Nothing Like Us (Niall Horan)

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Do you ever miss someone so much your body physically hurts? You purely miss their presence in your life and having them around everyday just to ask them how their day was or talk about anything on your mind at all, and you know no judgments will be made. You feel secure being with them and telling them everything you're thinking, because you know they'll listen and they'll care which is pretty fucking hard to come by nowadays.

You think of them as a constant: someone who will be there no matter the situation or consequence. They'll never leave.

But when they do, it's like a piece of you has died. Every being in your body aches and misses that person more than you've missed anyone or anything before. It's the type of missing someone that causes you to cry at night and clutch your pillow and pray to god to make things better because it's just becoming too much to handle.

It's pure mental and physical anguish. You know when people say it gets easier every day without them because you get used to it? No. Every day gets worse because it's another day without them. Another day of seeing them everywhere you look. Another day of hearing your songs come on shuffle and having to swallow down tears. Another night of thinking and wondering if they'll ever come back, and then it hits you like a ton of bricks.

What if they don't come back? What if you never hear from them ever again?

Your person. Gone forever.

Wondering everyday what they're doing, how they are, and if they think of you as much as you think of them.

Then you try to force yourself to stop thinking about them and move on because this isn't going to bring them back or turn back time to when you had them. All it does is make you feel worse and upset because you love them and care about them and missing them is inevitable.

I miss my best friend, my person, my constant. It's just too much for me to handle sometimes and to be honest I don't know what to do any more.

Missing people fucking sucks so think before you leave someone who you know cares about you because you really don't know how leaving could affect them.



So this was originally a story I got the idea for and started it last year but then ended up deleting before I finished it, I've been wanting to bring it back for a while now but just never did, and then one day a couple weeks ago I got an idea of how I wanted to change the story line and plot so here it is!

Tell me what you think? I know its just the prologue but I still wanna know what you think (:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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