This is one of the songs from the Seven Deadly Sins series. It represents envy and is sung by Megurine Luka. It's not as short as I thought it would be, but whatever. I did not write the song nor do I own it or Luka. Hope You like it!
The morning air is cool against my skin as I open the door and step outside. Pretty little birds sing a song of comfort and serenity. I sigh gently, our little neighborhood of Enbizaka is so peaceful. Homes here are so cozy, big or small, cheap or expensive, they are all furnished delicately and ornately with great effort. I live on the corner, so I have a good view of houses. I flip the sign on my door around, displaying the side that says "Come in, we're open!". My gaze shifts upward to the sign/billboard above me. "The Tailor Shop at Enbizaka" is scrawled in fancy red letters, but the wooden heart I had nailed on has fallen onto the overhang below it. I'll have to fix it later. I open my door and slip back inside my small shop, zip up the backstairs to the upper floor where I live, and grab a hair pin. I pull my light pink hair into a quick bun and dress in my favorite kimono. I take the steps two at a time as I descend to my little business place. Being quite popular here means lots of customers come to me instead of other tailors. It also helps that my mother, who moved across the country two summers ago, was also a popular tailor. She got me started in this work. I walk towards the large table in the main room. This is where I will work when the people come with their torn or just plain ruined garments. Sunshine glides through the window, illuminating the scissors on the table. Plucking the tool off of the varnished wood, I stroke the blades and remember watching mother use them. She gave them to me when I opened my little store, and I've used them ever since. Living alone is okay, but I'd rather have someone to cuddle with. I let out a frustrated sigh and walk to the front window, still holding the scissors. My lover....... I do have one. I pound a fist against the glass and bite down on my lip. I just don't understand! Even though he has me, he never comes home! My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my scissors dropping out of my shaking hand and colliding with the floor. I gently scoop them up, brush them off and calm myself down. I must persevere with my work. Holding my scissors in one hand, I begin to sharpen them because, as mother used to say, the more you sharpen, the better they'll cut!
I hand the fixed kimono back to my customer and she smiles gratefully. That kimono is the one she wears to parties, she had told me, and I understand why; the beautiful combination of the teals and brown are stunning. The woman hands me her money for it, and tips a fair amount, before thanking me yet again and leaving. She has a relaxed pace, perfect for a calm place like Enbizaka. A bright pink sky above her reminds me that it's almost time for me to close up and go on my daily walk. I stand slowly, readjusting my bun, and make my way to the door, slipping my scissors into my pocket. The handle is warm, in contrast with the cool air of sunset. I take a deep breath of the fresh air and start walking down the road, towards Main Street. Suddenly, I stop and listen carefully.... Am I hearing what I think I'm hearing? I must be..... I'd never mistake that voice, that amazing voice. It must be his; my lover. I quicken my pace as I come to the corner of Main Street. Sure enough, there is, his bright blue hair shining as he walks towards me. He doesn't see me though, and I hide beside the nearest house to watch. Then I notice her. Who the heck is that woman next to you! She has a wide smile on her face, matching his expression, and her brown hair bounces around her eyes as she laughs. The bright red kimono she is wearing looks beautiful on her and I scowl at myself for noticing. All of the sudden, she stops walking and let's him pass her, then, quick as a flash, she grabs him by the shoulders and spins him around to face her. He loses his balance, so she pulls him close. That woman had better not hurt him! He's mine! Then...... She does it. She plants a kiss on his lips and entwines their fingers together. She has a diamond ring on her ring finger. So does he. I glance at my hand, at my ring-less finger. Why don't I have one..... I can't stand to see this any longer, so I dash back to my home as fast as I can in my restricting kimono.