Princess Problems

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Dear Mum, 

          It's me Ria. Without you in the castle things are so-- different. Father is stressing me to date Liam. Liam and I have no SPARK, no CONNECTION. We are just friends, acquaintances (I barely like to consider him that.) Mum we need you back in the castle......

                                                                                                          Lots of Love,


Oh-Hello- Sorry; I didn't catch you there. Let me properly introduce myself.

My name is Ria DelOrfano, 19 years old. I am the daughter of King Axton and Queen Amelia. My mother (Queen Amelia had to go on a journey to the Great Lands of Ormond. My family lives in the Kingdom of Halstead far out west. We live near the Kingdom of Devry but, I have yet to meet the royal family that settles there.


"Ria! Hurry downstairs I have a surprise waiting for you." shouted my father. A normal person would be excited about a surprise, but, I wasn't normal. I had many problems; from my mother's absence to the anger I had for Liam. Lately, when my father said "surprise" it really was not a surprise. "Okay!" I shouted back very dryly. I slowly made my way downstairs I was thinking so hard about Liam I didn't realize the "surprise." Standing in front of me was my father, a man, and a young girl about my age. "Hello." she said in a sweet voice. "Ria this is Princess Aliana and her father King Archard." my father said this with great pride. I shook both of their hands. "They are from the Kingdom of Devry; take Princess Aliana to your room." 

I walked up the stairs and she followed behind. I flopped on my bed; she sat down neatly. I was still thinking about Liam and my mother until I was interrupted. "Ehem...” "What do you want?" I snarled. She looked like a child that got their candy taken away. "Sorry" I explained. "It looks like something is on your mind." she crooned. "Well..." I stuttered then looked at her- I starred at her for a moment. She had perfect green eyes and long wavy platinum hair. "Sooooo.... is anything on your mind." She emphasized every word like she already knew the answer. “I think you know something is on my mind. Let's start from the beginning. Liam was my friend; we were close ever since childhood. Three weeks ago Liam and I kissed at Royal Ball my father hosted. It was the most passionate kiss I have ever witnessed in my life. But, then Liam ruined it. He tried to take thing further; ever since then I couldn’t forgive Liam. I felt like he didn’t respect me, Liam know that I am a princess and he must treat me like one…..” she mumbled something that I couldn’t understand. “Speak up please” I said with a slight attitude. “It sounds to me that Liam was just into the moment- he couldn’t help himself.” I understood what she was saying. “I was in the moment too but, it doesn’t matter!.” “Looks like someone is being stubborn…” she responded, quite rude in my opinion. I was about to come back at her with an even ruder remark but, I heard someone knocking on the door. I checked my watch- it was already midnight. What happened to the time I wondered; I was so caught up into my thoughts that I forgot someone was at the door. *You know I really have to stop doing that.* “Are you going to get that?” questioned Aliana. “Oops! Sorry…. Come in.” I chuckled. It was my father. “Okay girls it is time to turn the lights out. Remember we have a big Royal Luncheon and we must prepare all of the food and welcome guests.” Blah! Blah! Blah! Was all I heard. “Ria—Ria—are you listening! Oh and I forgot to mention, King Archard, (Aliana’s father) and I decided that it would be best for you and Aliana that she stays for the Royal Luncheon. When her father brought your clothes he brought your best attire.” Still my father was gabbing away. “Anyway, as I was saying it is time to get some sleep.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2014 ⏰

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