Your life is perfect
Those words still ring in my ears
Perfect, huh?
The pressure of having to be perfect
Screaming fights and expectations
The scars that never leave your body
Crying as you drag the blade
Scratching yourself raw
Coming close to suicide
That one last kiss of crimson
Before a dance with the devil
Never being able to meet the eyes
Of people staring
Mental breakdowns and panic attacks
Headaches everyday
Just done
Your best friend is the only thing worth living for
He has problems too
But you relate and love him to death
I sometimes just want to cut the wire
Fade to black
But other times I just want to live forever
It's a curious thing, depression
You never understand it until you experience it
Did I mention the shit that they tried to put me on doesn't work
It just tastes horrid
Just give me some fucking medication
Help me get rid of the demons
This dark way of life
You feed the madness and it feeds on you
Utter self-loathing