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Im Suga and I'm 24 Years old..You may know me coz Im in a group with 6 other Boys and we are very popular in S. Korea and World Wide coz we have many fans all over the world that show us how much they love us everyday..we really appreciate that..but that's not what I want to tell you right now. So a few weeks our entertainment and managers told us that we can start our tour all over the world *including europe lolol* so we prepared for this, recorded new songs for a special secret comeback and were ready to do it..but a few days ago rapmon, our leader, told Me that it was over..I didnt knew what he was talking about but he told me..that the entertainment wanted to take me out of the group *he didnt told me the reasons* So i was confused a little bit. The Next day i went to the entertainment and asked why they are tellong me to leave the group.. They told me that i Wasnt doing well anymore and that i've changed..negative..They didnt tell me smth else expect that i have 1 day to pack all my stuff and leave..the entertainment, kpop industry, My Group, My fans..My Family.. I Didnt have any choice but to do when i went home i didnt talk to anyone and told them that everything was ok although it wasnt but i didnt want to hurt somebody..At midnight when everyone slept i went out the house calles a taxi and flew away..I went to a secret place and no one knew where i was..the next day i received a lot of calls from my members, friends and Family..they wanted to know where I was but i changed phone so i didnt had to call them back or think of them..i had to forget them..but it wasnt easy..After all those Years of Happiness, Sadness, Teamwork, Sucess, Fans, and All those Memories we've couldnt forget them..So That's my life right now..No Fame..No Fans..No success..No Kpop..nothing..just a normal live as a normal Person..I didnt know what to do so i went for a lil bit on instagtam to check whats going on..and i saw smth i had never seen before..I saw Armys..from different countrys doing meetups and holding posters where "SUGA COME BACK HOME" was written..i started crying..i remembered again all those moments and said..this cant go on like this i have to do smth..I opened the Vapp and went the beginning no one knew smth and no one went online...So i started playing my song that i wrote on my way here and in a few minutes there were millions of viewers who saw this and liked it..My members say it too and they asked me to come back home..i told them what happened at the entertainment and that they told me i wasnt good enough..and then they told me that the entertainment was suprisedwith me and saw that i still had skills and could improve..So they personally texted me and told me to come back home..A few days after this..i took the decision that i had to go home and prove that I can do this..That They did wrong in not believing in me..And That i will fight till the end to get what i wanted..and thats what i did..when i arrived home they all hugged me so tight i could really breath normal lolol..i was really happy seeing them again..and the Company apologized for everything but i didnt really believe them..but this wasnt the inportant thing now..the mosz important think now go on stage again and give my best..At night we started our tour through the world and We also played "Come back Home" as a special..and also announced our comeback..all Armys were happy to see ous again together on stage..I Could see it on their faces..This is a moment that i'll never forget..*END* (Dont ask me what kind lf stlry this is coz idk i only listened to music and wrote this kk and dont be happy to read this coz of the europe tour because bighit's sleepin on europe -.-)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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