Lovely Listening

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My name is Mia Stevens, I'm 14 years and from Las Vegas, Nevada. It was the first day of school and I was really nervous about this. See, I just moved to Pittsburgh and I was sort of sad because I had to leave all of my friends and everything! I spent the whole last day packing in my room crying. But, my new house is huge and beautiful and I've throught of this kind of house through my whole life. I mean I have a hot tub for goodness sakes! So, it was my first day of school at Ridge Way High School, I only knew one person there, my cousin Zelena Underwood. I was too excited to see her. 

 "RING!!! RING!!!" my clock rang loudly. It was time to get ready, I put on a thin skirt and a blue flowery shirt, tucked in the skirt of course. I went in my bathroom and put eyeliner on, put on mascara and used my eye lash curler. I put my eye shawdow on and cover up because I still had some pimples from sun damage on my skin. I've been told I was gorgeous by many people without makeup, but I like make up.  Oh well, "Hon, come down for breakfast now!" my mom yelled. 

  On the table there was bacon, pancakes, and orange juice (O-Jay). I loved when my mom cooked food for me in the morning. My mom just had a baby and her name is Alissa, she always made so much noise in the moring when you tried to feed she which made my head pound. "BEEP, BEEP!!" the bus beeped. "Here's your lunch money sweety have a nice day love you" said my mom lovingly "love you too" I said back. I grabbed my bag slid on my flipflops and headed out the door. 

   I walked into the the bus and everyone stared at me, and I forgot to tell you this but everyone tells me I'm the most beautiful girl they've ever seen but I've never actually dated a guy because I'm afraid of getting hurt, but they just stared at me. I just walked in the back in a seat where no one else was sitting and  I put in my head phones and listened to music. The kind of music I enjoy is classic, sometimes, but mostly rock and pop like Skillet and Taylor Swift are two I can think of off hand. I turned on Awake and Alive by Skillet and no one bothered me the whole ride to school.. When I got off the bus I saw a huge school, like nothing I've ever seen before!

    I walked inside the doors and saw all the huge halls and great big lockers. I went to the office to check in and get my locker number and combination. I walked down to my locker and opened it up, suprised I actually knew how to open it, I put my books inside and kept my purse near by and then threw my student ID in my pocket. "HEY YOU!" said a voice I turned around and saw my cousin Zelena "OH MY GOSH HEY GIRL!!." Zelena and I both have all the same classes so we walked to Mr. Harley's homeroom class and she saw her friend Rosie and Sophena. "Hey you guys, this is my cousin Mia," she said introducing me to them. "OH MY GOSH! Sorry, you're like gorgeous you can tell you guys are cousins," said Rosie, "RIGHT!!!" said Sophena. "Oh, thanks," I said, but I'm use to people saying that about Zelena and I. 

  All of us walked into homeroom, but I had to stay infront of the room because I had absoloutly no clue where I was suppose to sit, "Uh, excuse me Mr. Harley where am I supose to sit?" I asked. Mr. Harley turned around and said "Oh, you must be Mia Stevens," he said then he turned to the class "Everyone this is Mia Stevens, she just moved here from where again was it?" he asked "Las Vegas, Nevada." I told him in a sweet quiet voice. "Well, go sit in between Brad and Payten," he told me. I know exactly who Payten is because she's the girl who likes to ruin my cousins life, but my cousin doesn't care anymore because she got friends and a new boyfriend. 

   "Hey, I'm Payten." she said and stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Mia," I said back to her and shook her hand all official like. I giggled then she looked at me and said "what's funny?" "Nothing I just never actually shook a persons hand," I told her. She looked at me like I was crazy and said "cousins are way too alike," I laughed " Uh, that's good. Because I don't want to be as much of a bitch like you," she looked at me with her jaw droped and I heard Brad laugh. I turned to him and smiled " Apparently you thought that was funny?" I asked "YEA! No one ever talks to Payten like that," then he leaned in and whispered "but she deserved it though," he winked at me. Now, Brad has gorgeous brown eye that you think you can just drowned in. 

   I walked to first period with my cousin, Zelena, and she looked at me "So, I saw some flirting going on with Brad and what did you say to make Payten so mad at you?" I laughed at her "lets just say I said something to put her in her place. And there might have been a little flirting." I said back to her. I walked into the room and stood infront of the class because, I never have any clue where to sit. Everyone just stared at me then Mrs. Nusskern came up to me and turned to the class and said "Everyone this is Mia Stevens she just came here from Nevada, Las Vegas." I smiled and asked "so, where am I suppose to sit?" "Oh right, go sit next to Dylan," she said "THAT'S ME!" said Dylan showing me who he was. 

  Now, Dylan had blond hair and blue eyes was so HOT! Like, words can't explain it. Well, except for hot. I took my seat and sat there quietly then out of no where "Hi, I'm Dylan," he said "Hi I'm Mia," I said and my face turned red and you can just tell he noticed. He laughed which just meant her realised. He leaned over and whispered in my ear  "don't be nervous, but either way you're cute," I giggled. 

    "Hey what's your next class?" Dylan asked "Uh, Mr. Somerville's class," he grabbed my hand and said "me too,"  My face turned bright red as I walked down the hallway holding the most poplar guys in the schools hand!! I was blushing like crazy and everyone was staring at me! I went to math class and stood in the front of the class like I did all day, but a guy names William walked up to me and said "nice butt," I was shocked! "Dude, back off," said Dylan as he walked up to William "Oh, is she your girl already? Sorry bro didn't know," said William "no, she's not my girl" and looked back at me and said "yet," I giggled. 

    Mr. Somerville told me to sit down in the back of the class. The rest of my day was pretty easy and so was the next four months.......

    Tonight is the night of the eighth grade formal, and I had a boyfriend. He was the sweetest and most considerate guy I've ever met...Dylan. I bought a beautiful white dress, and I couldn't wait to see him in a suit. Tonight was our three month...

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2012 ⏰

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