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A REBELLIOUS ESCAPE from the Vault he was raised into finds Mitchell Hughes in what is left of Montreal after extreme nuclear impact; swamped in radiation and the most vile creatures, he heads down south into the Wastelands of America for a calmer frontier to settle on.

After a long trek through the disastrous Midwest, he settles in the town of Radvale, Florida, one of the last fragments of St. Petersburg. But when a distressed call from his father warrants his help, he doesn't have much of a choice but to pack his things and prepare for another hellish journey North.

But now, he has friends, and a girl with a backpack of mysteries to carry them through the tedious walk back to Montreal - with a plasma rifle secured in a side pocket too, of course.


inspired by the Fallout series (specifically Fallout 3), but of course the characters/small towns are my own. ((((:

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