Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

Ugh who could that be. I always ask myself, why the hell do i have a phone? All I do is read and listen to music. I don't text anyone except Lilly. Nor do I call or answer anyone other than Lilly. She the only friend I have.

Ring Ring

Decline. That should give them a hint. Not to call me. Who calls at eight in the morning? Who's even awake by that time? Now back to my sleep. Why? Why now? Just as I was about to enter my dead slumber they call again.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello?" I gave up. They just ruined my lovely sleep.

"Is this X.O.C.H.I.L.T?" The unknown caller asked. They had to spell it out. Ha. It's not hard to pronounce, but it's spelt differently.

"Yes. What do you want? I'm a bit busy right now. So can, like um, hurry up?" I snapped at the caller. I know I don't know him, but he ruined my sleep. My sleep is important for me.

"Well were here to congratulate you on winning the raffle. Now you will spend your whole summer with Tyler..."

"Hold up, what are you talking about?" I am so confused. How did I win if I did nothing? I didn't put my name on anything.

"The raffle. You won. We picked up a slip a paper, out of millions of others, and it had all your information." I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. Why would millions of people do that? Why would they risked it? Risk spending a whole summer with Tyler Smith. That's terrible.

"So you picked a paper with my I formation? Why couldn't you pick another one? Now I have to spend the whole summer with him." I say with disgust. Oh my god. Lilly. She is going to die.

"Uh... you do realize that this phone call is live? Everyone is listening." He says. My eyes widen. Oh dear lord Jesus. Please help me God.

"Oh. Um thank you. And goodbye." I just embarrassed myself in front of others. I need to call Lilly. I know she did something.

"Hello? How's my bestie doing? So what's up?" She sounded nervous.

"Why the hell did you do that? And don't act dumb. I know you were listening."

"Sorry? Look I didn't know you were going to win. It was just a slip of paper out of million. The odds of you being picked were very slim." She says.

"But why did you do it?" I asked. Why would she put my information out there? She knows about me. She put me at risk. He can find me easier now. "You know you put me at risk. Please don't ever do that ever again. Please."

"I know and I'm sorry. I really am, it's just that, don't you ever get bored? All you do is read those books and listen to music. Doesn't that get boring?"

"No it doesn't get boring. It's my only way out of reality. And I forgive just don't do that. Okay?" I asked. I know she didn't mean harm.

"Okay. But you will go, right?" Great the million dollar question, will I go?

"I don't know. I don't think so." I say.

"No! You are going to go! No excuses! I'll do anything you want. Anything. You name it." Well I do need a few things. It wouldn't hurt.

"Fine. But you have to get me some books that I've been dying to get and Nutella. The large jars though. I don't want the small ones or the medium sized ones either. THE LARGE ONES!" I say emphasizing the word, large.

"Okay. Thank you. I'll get them. Bye." I'm gonna regret this, but what the hell right.

Let's just hope he doesn't find me. Ever. I don't know what I'd do if he were to find me.

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