Waking up

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When I woke up, he was sitting on a chair in a room that looked vaguely familiar. He was hunched over and his shoulders shook violently. Every few seconds he'd sniff. He was crying. It was the type of cry that left your lips wet. The tears stream down your face and your nose runs till your whole face is drenched but you feel it on your lips because every time you breathe out, the tears spray a bit. It was not until I had taken every inch of him in that I finally looked down at myself. My arm was stuck with an IV, similar to the one my brother wore, except where his arms were clean, mine bore bloody bandages. I wore a hospital gown. I maneuvered my arm to touch my face and I winced at the pain. I had an oxygen tube taped below my nose. When I said his name it came out like a scratch, but he heard it nonetheless.
"Samantha." He said one word before he bounded over to my bed and held my hand. He was kissing it repeatedly. He had probably thought I had forgotten the previous night's events. I hadn't. I pulled my hand away and he looked hurt, but he just smiled softly.
"Where's my family?" I asked. He poured some water in a cup and pressed it to my lips. As much as I didn't want his pity my throat was as dry as it had ever been. So I accepted.
"They went home. You've been fading in and out of consciousness since the surgery. You have a severe concussion, three broken ribs, a broken arm, and a fractured foot." As he listed the injuries, each seemed to ache in response, as to confirm he was telling the truth.
"I haven't forgotten." I said slowly. And I didn't have to say more than that, because his face told me he knew what I was referring too. "I want you to leave."
I said. But he stood in his spot.
"I love you, Sam." He said softly, like he was afraid the words might break more bones. But he was incapable of breaking anything else. He had broken my heart already.
"Leave." I repeated.
"I'm sorry. Please. Let me explain. "  he began. And maybe it was the oxicodonx I was on, maybe it was the injuries, but I broke.
"GET OUT. GET OUT NOW. GET OUT! I WANT YOU OUT!" I screamed. I screamed and wailed. He tried to calm me, the heart monitor began to beep a loud steady beep. Three nurses came in to restrain me, and put me to sleep, and the last thing I saw was him, crying that same cry.

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