1. New Home, New Friends?

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~No One's P.O.V.~
F/N L/N is entirely new to South Korea, and as if leaving her friends and family back in [country] was bad enough, the weather has been plain rude to her and her parents since they arrived. The rain constantly pounded on the roof of her house, and thunder ringing across the town she lives in was getting irritating. There were times when the rain would be soothing, helping her with her homesickness. However, right now, the sound couldn't calm down her nerves for the first day of school.

"Damn it." F/N mumbles under her breath,"My first day is tomorrow. God, I bet I'll mess up during my introduction. I can speak Korean really well but. . . what if I don't pronounce a word correctly?" Her eyes drift to her school uniform that is hanging on the handle of her closet door. It consists of a simple navy blue blazer over a white collared shirt with sleeves, and a grey skirt. There is an option to wear either a plaid grey necktie or bow tie, and she ended up choosing the necktie.

F/N takes in an deep breath and stares back at the ceiling above her that is illuminated by the moonlight peeking through the clouds from outside. Her eyes slowly flutter closed, trying to calm herself down with a good night's sleep.

Um, what's good night's sleep? F/N couldn't fall asleep so easily, and she ended up getting some shuteye at 2 AM.

"Shit, that was a mistake." She mumbled under her breath as she makes her way through the slightly crowded hallway.

At the moment, F/N is now on her new school campus, struggling to get past a few people in order to get to class. She gets on her tippy toes as she attempts to peer over someone's shoulder to get a good look at the classroom numbers.

Ah, there it is! F/N thinks, immediately slipping through a gap in between two people. She slides right through and hits the wall with a quiet thud. She groans at the impact, but manages to quickly enter the classroom. The moment she steps in, all eyes are on her. F/N gulps silently and turns to the teacher, who welcomes her with a smile. F/N takes a few step closer to the adult, as she was the only one who actually greeted her. Her eyes scan the room in front of her, but she immediately regrets the act. All eyes are staring at her, especially a certain boy sitting in the back. Her body tenses at his gaze, and she will admit that he's quite handsome but. . . the look on his face doesn't seem like the most welcoming of them all.

The sudden ringing of the bell startles F/N, making her flinch a small bit. Unfortunately, a few of her classmates catch her actions and giggle, whispering to each other. F/N can feel her face heat up in embarrassment, and the need to leave the room right now is eating her up. The guy in the back let out a small laugh and looks at one of his friends with a smirk. His friend simply smiles, but doesn't return their interaction with a chuckle or giggle.

"Okay, class," the teacher cuts through the laughter sharply,"this is our new student from [country]! Go ahead, introduce yourself." The smile from the teacher was basically pushing F/N to speak.

"H-Hello!" F/N manages to say,"I'm F-F/N L/N, it is v-very nice to meet you a-all!" She bows quickly and the moment she stands straight, she notices two girls whispering to each other in the second row.

"She meant 'nice to meet you' right?" One girl asks,"I think she mispronounced it." F/N's cheeks turn redder than they already were.

"Yeah, I think so." The other girl replies. F/N looks around and notices a few other girls silently laughing. The boy in the back smirks after letting out a small chuckle and the boy next to him presses his lips together, as if to suppress a laugh.

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