Anonymous Letter

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The Golden Trio sat down in the hall for breakfast. After the death of Voldemort in their fourth year when the ritual went wrong, the Wizarding and Muggle world were safe. A lot of couples had gotten together even the teachers started dating and Harry had let out a sigh of relief when he heard that his two best friends finally admitted their feeling for each other. As for him he finally admitted he was gay, he had been in denial for a long time and after Voldemort's death he had come to terms with it and was happy that Ginny didn't take it badly. She had smiled and told him that it was okay and that she supports him all the way but he could see the hurt in her eyes and he felt a little guilty. He shook his head, it would have been worse if he had led her on, it was better to tell her so she could move on and forget him.

"Mate, what are you thinking about?" He looked at his best friend and smiled.

"Nothing in particular. I am just happy that we will finally have a normal year." Hermione beside him nodded.

"I believe we all deserve a bit of rest after everything. The death of Voldemort has made a lot relax, I mean even Professor Snape doesn't take points and give detentions that much." That was the best thing about the year. Snape had gone easy on everyone, they say it was because of the stress of the war and now that the evilest wizard has died he is starting to relax. Some say that he finally got laid.

"I heard they saw him in Hogsmeade with another man snogging." Harry choked on his own spit.

"Merlin Ron, I didn't need that image." Just then half a dozen owls flew into the hall and handing letters to students. Everyone's eyes turned when they saw the silver owl fly, it looked regal and it's every movement was graceful and it landed in front of none other than Harry Potter.

Harry looked at the silver owl in front of him, his eyes widened. It held its claws out for him to take the letter strapped to it. He took it and allowed it to nip his fingers and gave her a few slices of bacon from his plate. He looked back at the letter and wondered if he should open it or not. He glanced at Hermione and Ron, Ron looked like he was stifling laughter while Hermione looked at him disapprovingly.

"It's okay, Harry you can open it." It looked like they knew something but he chose to ignore it and slowly opened the letter all of the school's eyes on him.

Dear Harry,

There is no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it right away, I like you, I have for a very long time. Your smile, your eyes, your silky ebony hair, literally everything about you makes me weak in the knees.

You may not know me and I could be anyone, Dumbledore, Snape, Malfoy, or even Filch. And before you throw this away I want to reassure you I am none of those, I might be older than you but not by a lot.

I know you might think this is a joke or prank but I am sincere in what I am saying, so please take this into consideration and if you choose to do so, my owl, Adonis will send back your letter to me.



P.S: I'm a Gryffindor.

He was blushing by the end, and as if to add to his embarrassment a bright red rose appeared out of nowhere and landed in his arms with a note attached:

If kisses were raindrops,

I'd send you showers,

If hugs were seconds,

I'd send you hours,

If smiles were water,

I'd send you the sea,

Anonymous LetterWhere stories live. Discover now