Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, in a kingdom that never existed, but it's set in some almost medieval time, there was a girl who went by the name Cinderella. She lived in a tower separate from her evil stepsisters and stepmother, who relentlessly emotionally abused her and made her do all the chores. She never had any fun, ever.

Cinderella was a sad, depressed, lonely girl who just wanted to somehow get away from her life. She didn't have any friends beside two tiny little forest creatures. One was a black crow named Tupac, and the other was a small mouse named Lucifer. It was a magical time when she met them both. She had no clue how much they would eventually mean to her. It was a bright, sunny day and Cinderella had decided to leave her windows open in her room.

Cinderella had unfortunately stopped caring about people breaking into the house.

She was feeling particularly depressed that day after suffering some more torment from her step-mother and step-sisters. Anastasia had decided to play a very mean prank on Cinderella earlier that day. She had told Cinderella that everyone was going to iHop for breakfast that morning, and for once, since it was Cinderella's eighteenth birthday, she could come with and get a glass of water. Cinderella was ecstatic and felt some hope in her life. Usually, she had none. "Go put some nice clothes on and come downstairs so we can leave," Anastasia said.

They actually want me to come with, Cinderella thought. She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she tore through her closet of rags and tatters to find one decent looking shirt. Could it be that her step-mother, Lady Tremaine, was finally accepting Cinderella as one of her own? It almost seemed to good to be true.

Cinderella ran down the stairs so quickly that it sounded like a herd of elephants had trampled their way through the house. Cinderella ran past the living room and stopped briefly to see a man, woman, a kid, and a boy that looked like a monkey playing a board game. She ignored the sight, clearly way too excited to go to iHop, and ran away as soon as the man yelled out "Jumanji!"

Cinderella burst open the front door, and was left with a devastating feeling. They had left without her. Her heart dropped and it felt like a million needles were stabbing her in the heart and eyes as she fought to not cry. How could she have been so dumb to believe they would do something for her birthday? She turned around and saw a note left on the door. It was in Anastasia's handwriting and all it said was "Fuck you".

"Son of a bitch!" Cinderella yelled out, crumpling the note and throwing it. She walked back to her room, seething mad. She had never felt more pissed off in her life. Not even when her father had married Lady Tremaine after her real Mom died. She was so sick and tired of all the bullshit that came with that wicked woman and her daughters. Cinderella sat down on her bed and rubbed her eyes, just letting the anger flow through her body. She didn't know what else to do but sing at the moment.

She picked up her banjo that her grandfather had given her when she was a baby and played the song she knew best.

"Now red solo cup is the best receptacle,

From barbecues, tailgates, fairs and festivals,

And you sir do not have a pair of testicles,

If you prefer drinkin' from glass... "

In the forest, about a mile away, was a crow and a mouse chilling out on a log. "You should roll another blunt," the mouse said to the crow. The whites of their eyes are red and they had already smoked plenty of marijuana, but to the mouse, there was nothing wrong with more weed.

"Yeah, dude," the Crow replied, but they both stopped in their track when they heard a very beautiful female voice singing. They both stood up in amazement and wonder, trying to pinpoint the area where the amazing melody was coming from. They found themselves heading straight to Cinderella's house. Her voice continued.

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