Sugar High (D. Gray- Man Fan- fiction)

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Froi Tiedoll, uncle and guardian of Yuu Kanda, went to Scotland where his works were displayed for the Art Gallery Show, leaving his nephew with a week worth of allowance in their house. It did not bother Kanda that much, he was fine- or let's say happy, that he had a week without his uncle fawning over and forcing him into some ridiculous stuff. He can live a life all by himself, thank you.

The kettle on the stove in the kitchen whistled impatiently, getting the attention of Kanda in light blue pyjamas who was watching an action movie where the Russian boy caught a rabbit and gave it to his father for dinner. He pushed himself off the sofa and padded to the kitchen to make coffee. While doing so, he thought if he was the boy in the movie and the rabbit was someone he knew. Maybe idiot rabbit stew was not bad for dinner.

Just then, the door that lead to the outside burst open as someone kicked it, which made Kanda annoyed as he already grabbed the bocher's knife, ready to throw it at the intruder on cue.


That was the cue Kanda was waiting as he threw the knife with so much force and flew to the intruder's direction. The knife went passed his head near his left emerald eye, stopping him from speaking any further effectively. Said intruder, who was carrying a large box, had a fierce red hair held up by a black hair band and a doctor's eye patch over his right. He wore pale yellow shirt with a black dragon on left torso, black pants that reached just below his knees, and a pair of red sneakers.

The red headed teen stood frozen on his spot right after the bocher's knife nearly impaled on his good eye. He visibly paled at that.

Leaning on the wall was Kanda, drinking his coffee. He eyed the red head from head to toes and from toes to head before asking, "The hell are you doing? Kicking the door like that. If you happen to knock it I'll make you as its replacement." in a threatening way, making the accused one to gulp nervously.

"Sorry 'bout that, Yuu-"

"Want me to take your eye?"

"Oh, C'mon! We're not in Japan and nowhere near it, so get used to it; me calling you Yuu."

The red head had a point, but he can't just have it his way.

"Call me again by my given name and this time I'll make sure to slaughter your guts evenly and finely."

Alright, Kanda was really dead serious.

Chuckling nervously, the unwanted guest gently settled the box he had on the floor and said as he stood, "Kanda, gramps called me this morning and told me to come to his work saying its urgent. Your house is the closest to the Walker's so I thought it would be best to drop this package on you. I'll come back by the end of the day to retrieve the package."

Kanda went back in the kitchen, washed the empty cup, wiped it, and placed it back into the drawer. He then came out and asked, "What's inside the box, Lavi? It's better something not stupid."

Lavi, the red head teen who had claimed to be buddy with Kanda, grinned, asking, "Have you met Mr. Walkers son?"

Kanda narrowed his eyes at Lavi suspiciously. He did not like where the conversation was going, but nodded at the question.

"Good. He's a nice kid. Anyways, I hafta go now. Gramps will knock me again if I'm late."

And with that, Lavi left Kanda with the package.

Kanda eyed the said package suspiciously. The dread he was feeling in his chest made him wanted to burn the box, afraid if it was another prank from the rabbit, but the curiosity overtook it. So, wanting to know what inside was, he dropped on his knees and put a hand on the box. If it really was a prank then death Lord will haunt the rabbit.

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