Act one

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Scene One:

[Open to five mailboxes in a line in the center of the stage. A crowd of people come in and surround them. Randomly each mailbox is opened to reveal a letter. A woman in her early 30's takes a red one; a young girl takes a yellow one; a couple takes a green one; and a woman takes a blue letter. They rejoin the crowd and walk offstage.]

Scene Two:

[A single spotlight shines on a young woman in blue, KAREN, she opens an envelope and takes out a piece of paper. Then she begins to read.]

Karen: Max Ganby and Eleanor Byrne request the pleasure of your company
at the celebration of their marriage June 8, 12:00 pm at the Crystal Pavilion in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Dinner and dancing to follow.

Scene Three:

[Lights come up on a small room, bare except for a small table and two chairs. Upon the table sits a vase filled with blue flowers. A kindly woman in her early 60's, MEGAN, sits slightly rumpled in one of the chairs. The young woman in blue sits across from her, setting the invitation on the table.]

Karen: Hey mom.

Megan: Hey yourself. Can I get a hug?

Begrudgingly Karen walks over and gives her mom a hug. She relaxes a little before they part and then goes back to sit in her chair.

Megan: Why the long face?

Karen: I got another invitation.

Megan: It's a wedding, what's so awful about that.

Karen looks pointedly. Megan rolls her eyes.

Megan: You'll survive.

Karen: But what if I don't.

Megan: You will find someone.

Karen: Eventually. You wouldn't know. You found dad, fell in love, and bought a house as soon as you left college.

Karen takes a pause for dramatic effect.

Look around. Two years in the city, and all I have to show for it is this tiny apartment and an entire closet full of bridesmaids dresses.

Megan: It's a lovely apartment.

Karen: lovely

Megan: The wedding will be fun. It's your friend from college right? Emily?

Karen: Ella. Yeah, it'll be fun.

Megan: Maybe you will find the "one"

Karen: Maybe.

A beat of silence. They both stare at the invitation.

Megan: How's work?

Karen: good.

Another pause.

Megan: You should visit sometime.

Karen: Yeah.

Another pause, a bit awkward. Megan starts to say something then stops and clears her throat than beginning again.

Megan: You don't need anyone...

Karen: I..

Megan: You don't. It makes me proud. Your independence. You've always been that way.

Karen: Oh.

Megan glances at the clock and raises her eyebrows.

Megan: I've got to go. Dinner won't make itself, and Evan won't make it either.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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