Just give me a chance

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Anna's P.O.V.

I cried myself to sleep. I'd gone to meet Zack for lunch. But when I turned the corner all I saw was the bitch right up against him. His hands on her hips.

"Knock knock." Sandy said and opened the door.

"I'm not going to school." I said. She snorted.

"Of course you aren't. We've got a date with Ben and Jerry. Along with a box of tissues and this box set of the greatest chick flicks of all time." She said and pulled me out of bed. I followed her to the living room and sat down. Sandy went into the kitchen and came back a moment later with some Ben& Jerry's and spoons. I started mine as we started watching Gone with the Wind. It may not be considered a chick flick but I was crying at the end.

"That ass never loved her. All he did was toy with poor Scarlet." I said as Sandy put in the next movie. It turned out the box set was just her favorite movies. Warm Bodies captured us for the rest of the afternoon. When it was over I was on my fifth Ben&Jerry. A knock came to the door and Sandy answered.

"What do you want you douchbag?" Sandy asked. I looked and saw Zack. I quickly slid down and covered my face with a pillow.

"I wanted to talk to Anna." Zack said. Jackie slid past Sandy and took my ice cream.

"Zack go home! You aren't welcome here." Jackie said. Zack sighed and left. Jackie put her feet on the coffee table.

"Now would you like to explain why you are eating heartbreak ice cream and watching Warm Bodies without me?" Jackie said and ate a spoonful of my ice cream.

"Your brother is a cheating ass." I barely finished before I was crying. Jackie wrapped her arms around me and I heard her swear under her breath.

"I never thought he was that much of one but I knew he was a jackass." Jackie said.

"But don't worry he has to sleep sometime. And I will waiting to strike" Jackie was obviously pissed at Zack.

"Now how about we watch Beastly?" Sandy said and Jackie gave me back my ice cream.

"Ben and Jerries are in the kitchen freezer right?" Jackie asked.

"Yup." Sandy said. Jackie got herself an ice cream and we all watched the movie. I rested my head on Jackie's shoulder and she always knew the exact moment when I'd needed a tissue. When the movie ended Jackie and I sat in my room.

"So how are you holding up?" Jackie said.

"Exactly how I shouldn't be." I said. Jackie laughed.

"Anna I know how this feels. You're holding up just fine. Remember, I moped around over a kid who was dead." She said.

"Jackie, why are you here for me? I mean I just broke up with your brother." I asked.

"Because you're my friend. I stick by friends before blood." She said.

"I'm going to kill Zack when I get home trust me." Jackie said. Her phone vibrated and she looked at it. She sighed.

"And I will be killing him in a few minutes." She said.

"You have to go?" I asked she nodded.

"But don't worry darling, I'll be back tomorrow to watch another sad movie. I will be your friend that cries with you when Juliet and Romeo die together." Jackie said and hugged me.

"Bye." I said. Jackie gave me a kind smile.

"It's going get better , trust me on that." She said and left.

Jackie P.O.V.

Oh man that boy was up for a world of pain. I couldn't believe he cheated. I was going kill him. You do not, I repeat, you do not cheat on a girl like Anna.

Dad picked me up and I was fuming.

"So what exactly are you so mad about? Why did Anna break up with Zack?" Dad asked. I glared at him.

"Your son, is the whole reason for everything." I said.

"Well that'd a vague answer, Jacks, please fill your old man in on this." Dad said. I shook my head.

"Nope." I said.

"Not going to happen. You can find out when I'm murdering the cheating ass." Dad sighed.

"Just try not to kill him too painfully." Dad asked me.

"He deserves to suffer." I said. Dad rolled his eyes and turned up Seether. We didn't talk for the rest of the ride home. When he parked I got out and stomped into the house.

"Zack!" I yelled. I ran up the stairs and burst into Zack's room. He took off his headphones and looked at me.

"What did she tell you?" He asked.

"What did she tell me?! You cheated and hurt one of the most perfect girls alive! And all you have to say is 'what did she tell you'! That girl is a mess, she freaking watched Gone with the Wind! She ate ice cream all day, because Ben and Jerry are the only guys that aren't asses! How could you do that to her?! Why wasn't she enough for you?!" I demanded.

"I didn't cheat!" He said. I pounced on him and we slapped each other over and over.

"Really?! That's why she caught you with your tongue in some other girl's mouth." I said and pulled his black and blue hair.

"My tongue was not in her mouth! I was trying to push her off of me when Anna saw us!" Zack said and tried to push me off of him by putting a hand on my face. We must have looked hilarious.

"You could have told her! Why were you even by that bitch in the first place?!" I yelled.

"She attacked me! And I tried to tell Anna but she wouldn't listen!" Zack said. I kicked his dick and he yelped before punching my gut. We started fighting and Dad had to break us up.

"What the hell got into you two?!" Dad demanded from us.

"Zack cheated on Anna!" I yelled.

"I did not! That girl has been trying to get us to break up since we started dating!" Zack yelled.

"Zack! How dare you do that!" Mom yelled as she entered the room. Zack groaned.

"I didn't cheat on her! Why would I want to cheat on her? I love her! Amy Lee is just some bitch who couldn't keep her grimy little hands off me!" Zack yelled at us.

"What your language young man!" Mom screamed. I'd never seen her this angry before.

"And if you love her what are you doing here?!" Mom yelled. Zack looked at her.

"You two out. I want to talk to my son." Dad and I left the room.

Zack's P.O.V.

Jackie and my dad left the room. My mom looked at me.

"If you really love her you shouldn't be here. You should be at her house refusing to leave until you can tell her what happened." My mom said. I nodded and grabbed my keys. I ran to my car and sped to her house just in time to see the ambulance pull away. Luke stood in the driveway with a crying Sandy.



Hey my little ghouls! so what do you think happened to Anna? will zack get to tell her the truth.

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