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Question: Have you ever had a concussion before?

Skipper: No

Chelsea: No

Barbie: No

Stacie: Yes

Chelsea: You have?

Stacie: Yes

Chelsea: How

Skipper: Barbie, Stacie And I Were Motorcycle riding, she flew off the motorcycle and hit her head on a wall.

Barbie: You weren't born yet chelsea


Stacie: Age: 5
Hair: Down

Barbie: Age: 19
Hair: Pony Tail

Skipper: Age: 9
Hair: 2 braids

Skipper/Stacie: Thank you for taking us motorcycle riding

Barbie: You're welcome

Stacie: I'm gonna ride this one

Skipper: Your too young to ride that big one

Stacie: Then I'm gonna tell Barbie that you slapped me in my face

Skipper: I never did that!


Barbie: What is it Stacie

Stacie: Skipper slapped me!

Barbie: Skipper, did you do that?

Skipper: No, All I did was tell her that she can't ride that big motorcycle.

Barbie: You're too young to ride that

Stacie: Ugh! *gets on a smaller motorcycle*

Skipper gets on a small motorcycle while Barbie gets in a big one.

Skipper starts riding it

Barbie: Whooo! this is fun

Skipper: Yeah!

Stacie: I'm Scared!!

Skipper: It's ok stacie

Stacie's motorcycle runs over a big rock on the ground, she flies off the motorcycle and hits her head on a brick wall

Skipper/Barbie: STACIE!

Barbie: Stacie are you ok?

Stacie:*kind of out of it* Ugh, what?

Barbie: Stacie stay awake!

Stacie: *groaning in pain*

Skipper: Stacie?

Stacie: (unconscious now)

Barbie: We need to take her to a doctor!!

Skipper: Aren't you a doctor?

Barbie: Right!

Stacie: *full of delirium* I LOVE YOU SKIPPER!!! *passes out*

Barbie: She has a concussion

Skipper: Ok

Stacie wakes up

Stacie: *Full Of Delirium* What happened dude?

Barbie: You hit your head on a hard wall

Stacie: Why?

Barbie: You ran over a rock

Skipper: This candy tastes bad I'm gonna throw it away

Stacie: Don't Either Dare Throw it away

Barbie: Why?

Stacie: That candy Is Good

Skipper: Uh... Ok

Barbie: How are you feeling now?

Stacie: My Head hurts

Skipper: Don't either dare makes no sense

Barbie laughs

Stacie: Yes it does!

Skipper laughs

Barbie: Its Toddler Language

Skipper: People Who are Age 5 are toddlers?

Stacie: I feel so dizzy *passes out for a few seconds*

Skipper: How many fingers am I holding?

Stacie: Eleven-Teen *Passes out*

Barbie: She will recover in 2 weeks

Skipper: Ok


Stacie: I still remember the pain

Barbie: Bye guys

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