Carnival AU [One Shot]

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I stare outside my window while lying down flat on my back not knowing what to do. My manager gave me a week off due to an injury on my right arm. It's not that big of a deal but they said it wouldn't be a good idea to just continue working with a bad arm. Today is really hot and the only thing that is cooling me down is the fan beside me. I don't want to leave my bed but I also don't want to stay in my apartment for a week. I thought of places on where I should go. A restaurant? Nope. Maybe a lake park? Nah I wouldn't know what to do there. While thinking of places I focus back outside the window, in the distance I see a ferries wheel. The Carnival? That doesn't sound too bad. There's also a beach there so after I walk around I could relax and listen to the waves. I sat up straight on my bed, I could also win a prize for my cousin Jesse. I haven't seen him for a while so it would be nice to visit and bring him a gift. My thoughts soon stop when I feel pain on my left arm. Maybe going to the carnival might be a bad idea. My eyes look back outside, a part of me has the urge to go out there but I knew it would be a bad decision. I clench my hand and made my decision I'm going out. I got out of bed to take a quick shower.

I wore a casual white shirt and black jeans with blue shoes. I also brought my jacket just in case the weather decided to get cold at night. The carnival is a bit crowded, mostly family and friends. I'll call mom and tell her to bring everyone here next time, I'm sure they'll love it. I walk up front the ticket booth and bought 20 tickets. Don't want to stay here all day. I look around for a game to win. Every prize game is about 3 tickets. I stop next to a shooting game and notice a dog wearing a cowboy hat and a scarf, I bet Jesse might like that one. I walk up front the counter and greeted the man behind the counter. "Why hello there! Instead in winning the big prize? The rules are simple! You get 5 shots. Then you knock down the bottle that says the points on them." He leans on the counter smiling at me. On the bottles, there are numbers with points on them that goes from 100 to 500, "How much points do I have to get for the dog with the hat?" I ask looking at the prize. "1,000" He answers. All I have to do is just knock the bottles down? Easy enough. I smirk then handed the man the 3 tickets and grab the toy rifle gun filling with full confidence and determination. I point the gun at the 300 points and shoot. The bottle didn't get knock down. I try again. Nope. I got a bit annoyed with this then try hitting it until the bottle gets knocked. I used up all the shots. I look back the smiling man and give him 3 more tickets. I knocked down two bottles this time. Both 200 points. So I have 400 but I have 3 shots left. If I could hit the 500 points then I can get the prize! ...I missed the shots. Now I'm getting a bit pissed at this game but I take a breath and calm down. I hand the man 3 more tickets. I got the 700 points that time. I tried once more. 900 points. I have 8 tickets left. At this point, I'm all worn out and my hand started to hurt a bit. I look at the stuffed animal and this time I feel like I can do it. I handed the man 3 more tickets and take a deep breath. I focus on the 300 and shoot. I knocked it over. I knock down a 200. I have three shots left, I point the rifle at the 500 hoping to get this one. I fire and I miss. I fire again and I miss. 1 one shot left. Gotta calm down and get this one. "Please let me get this one" I mutter under my breath. I shoot for the 500 one last time. The bottle got feel over. "Yes!" I jump feeling the relief and excitement. I heard a few claps behind me. I turn and notice a small crowd clapping behind me. Since when did they get here? I awkwardly wave and say thanks to them. "Not bad! Now, which prize you want?" I put down the fake gun, "The dog with the cowboy hat please" I pointed out. He hands me my prize and I can feel the victory of this battle. Will this game. Same thing. 

I look at the sunset noticing it's almost dark. I still got 5 tickets left, wonder if I should go home or find something to do at least. I could ride the ferries wheel and enjoy the view. I remember mom riding the ferries wheel with me. I really enjoy watching the city and the sky. My mom was surprised that I wasn't scared of heights. She told me most kids would be afraid looking down from above. I find the end of the line and wait for my turn. I look at the sign "Only 5 tickets to ride" it said. Lucky me.

I waited in line for 20 minutes and finally, I'm up next. I gave the lady my last tickets. "Just you?" She asks me. "Yes just me." She made this look as if she's about to pull off a band aid or bring out the not-so most terrible news. "Sorry only two people can ride." Wait for what? "So I can't ride by myself? Why not?" I ask her, she turns to the seat behind her. "The passenger-seat must have an even weight for both sides." Damn, I was really hoping to have at least this one ride. "You could go with another single person." With another person? As in being with some stranger in a ride. Alone. No thanks. "Anyone in the line a single person!" the worker yells out in the line of crowded people. "No it's okay really-" I didn't even have a chance to answer back, "I'm one!" I hear someone yelling back out. I turn and see a hand in the air from the line of people. The person got closer and pop out behind someone's back. Women with golden hair stand in front me breathless from getting past people in such a hurry. Oh shit, she's cute. She's wearing a scarf with a dark shade of gold or yellow, a brown coat with black leggings, and boots matching the color of her coat. I stood there looking at her not saying anything like an idiot. "Miss?" I heard someone call out to me. I look back at the worker, "Is it okay for her to ride with you or is there an issue?" She asks me. I turn back to the beautiful blonde hair women, stuttering a bit, "No there's no issue. Um, my names Fareeha. Fareeha Amari." I introduced myself, holding up my hand freely and wait for her response. "Angela Ziegler," she shook my hand with a bright smile on her, "Nice to meet you." Just from her smile, I find myself staring at her deeply, how can this person be so beautiful?! "So you two can get in the ride now." I quickly let go of her hand with embarrassment. "Y-yeah sorry." I went up the steps hearing Angela following behind me. I open the door letting her go first. She smiled at me and said thanks. I take a deep breath trying my best not to be awkward or a creep then sat down the seat apart from Angela's. She looked at me with a smile, "You afraid of ferries wheels?" she asked me. I look at her blushing, "I'm not afraid of ferries wheels! It's just...well...". She interrupted "Never went on one with a stranger?" With a beautiful stranger..."Yeah," I nod almost wanting to say that out loud, "and also it's been a long time since iv'e been to one."  I hope I'm not freaking her out, it would probably haunt for the rest of my life. The ride slowly went to the top, we watched out and stared in awe, "The city and the beach is so beautiful in the night." I silently whispered. "Yeah" Angela responded back. It surprised that she heard me, I look at her and notice she was looking at me too with a slight blush on her face. She then looked away and back at the bright city, holding her scarf up on her mouth. I started to turn bright hot red as realization hit me. I moved my left arm slightly and instantly felt the pain returning. I flinched and tighten my arm other the other, I held back my grunt of pain. Angela noticed, " Are you okay?!" she reached out her hand to my shoulder. "Yeah it just my left arm is injured." I lied with a smile, my arm hurts like hell right, I just don't want to show my weakness in front of Angela. Which seems to fail because clearly my expression is giving it away. She moved forward towards me and slight garbed my left arm, "Here let me see." She nicely smiles up on me and I did what she told me. I let go of my grip and let Angela inspect my arm. "Take off your jacket for me real quick," she's gonna kill me but I did what she said. I took off my jacket and held up my left arm. She held softly my arm as she inspected my left arm, she touched the stitch of my injury. "Don't worry I'm a doctor. I work in the hospital near the collage but may I ask what happened to your arm?" She continued to softly touch my arm which is oddly helping me not to feel the pain but rather her touch. "It was a mission at the police department, an explosion. It's a long story." I look down at my arm, "hmm I remember that, I held many people that day, lots were injured but very lucky that none had died." She let go of my arm and I turn my attention but at her. "You're arm a reacting to a muscle nerve, I recommend seeing me after." She smile at me brightly. "Y-yeah I'll make an appointment soon as possible." I stuttered as I try to express my thanks. "No need I'll make one for you tomorrow." She waved off with a blush showing across her nose. That took me by surprise, she sure is something but i'm not gonna complain she's actually fun and really nice to around with. I smile back at her, "Thank you." I really am grateful that she's doing this for me. I watched carefully, "You're welcome." she shyly bowed her head. We enjoyed the rest of the ride, we would slightly look at each other and look away. We continued to do so until we've reached the end of the ride. 

We got off of the ride and walked around a bit to talk for a bit about my appointment and making plans. We've reached to the exit of the carnival, "Okay I'll be sure to come at that day." I said smiling as I holding up my phone with the date to remind me. As I was about to turn and leave Angela stopped me, "Wait!" She pulled out her phone and handed it to me, "Is it okay if you type you number. Just in case you forgot I can message you when to come." I reached out to garb her phone and slightly touched her hand on accident. I typed my phone number with my name and gave the phone back to her, "I'll see you then Doctor Ziegler." I walked back with a smile and waved. She does the same as she held her phone tightly at her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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