A Moment With Death

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  Icy fingers gripped my arm in the darkness. Perhaps I should have been scared, but the only thing I could think  to say was “Hello, who is there?”. Though it went against better judgment, I turned to face my visitor.

    The grim reaper himself stood there, his long black cloak stood out among the white snow. His skeletal face seemed almost regretful. “What is wrong?” I asked. He looked at me with great sadness, speaking no words, and pointed to the side of the road.

    I looked in the direction he motioned. All I could see were flashing lights, a car lay on the side of the road, ripped to pieces, and a woman being carried from the wreckage. “I-is that me?” I asked the silent figure. He once again spoke no words, but nodded solemnly

What I saw quickly changed to a hospital room, my body lay there on the bed. I was surrounded by people I can’t recall, but I know they were close to me. A man rushed into the room, pushing people from his path to my lifeless form.

That’s a face I could never forget. Him. A face I woke up to every morning. One that I saw every night before closing my eyes. He fell to his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks. He picked up my pale hand in his and kissed the skin lovingly.Those hands, they pulled me in for tender kisses. They wiped away my tears when the night became too dark. They placed a jeweled ring on my finger, later replacing it with a golden band.

The pain in his eyes were too much for me to bear, but I refused to turn away. If this was the last glimpse of him I would get, then I would take it all in. I refuse to lose sight of him. I refuse to succumb to my pain.

A loud noise filled the room as nurses pushed the visitors out. The man’s face went pale and he began screaming. Panic quickly filled the room as doctors moved in, grabbing his arms to pull him away. I walked over to him, placing a nearly transparent hand to his cheek. “Calm, dear.” I whispered lovingly, though I knew he wouldn’t hear a word.

He seemed to almost lean into my touch as his body relaxed. I smiled as he pulled away, exiting the room. The doctors quickly got to work and the scene before me quickly changed once again. I stood in a hospital waiting room. The man was pacing, his skin several shades lighter than it should be. He was tan, but right now he seemed ghostly white.

“Why are you showing me this?” I asked the skeletal figure. It remained silent as I watched the man I love break. Tears streamed down my face and I moved, practically floating, to him and placed a hand on his. This couldn’t be happening. I can’t leave him. Not when he needs me so badly. Not when I can’t be without him.

There was a strange mutter from behind me. I turned to see the shadowy man looking at me. “What?” I asked, confused. His mouth parted as if to say something, but I heard no words. as at that moment my body was filled with a searing pain. It was like fire had been placed inside my veins and had begun flowing through them. Everything hurt, until everything stopped existing. I was met face to face with darkness.The words of the Reaper echoed in a smooth, calming voice, “It is not your time, child.” .

My eyes opened slowly, the light was so bright. It took several minutes for them to finally focus, and all I could see was the love of my life looking at me, tears in his eyes. He smiled at me, holding my hand in his own. His skin had returned to its warm, light brown, appearance, making him multiple shades darker than me. “I almost lost you.” He was hardly able to get the words out before the tears fell. I pulled him closer, loving his warmth. “You didn’t lose me. I’m right here, my love.” He laughed and smiled before kissing my forehead. “Yeah, I didn’t.” He kissed my lips softly, making my heart race a bit. He then whispered three simple words, and I repeated them. “I love you.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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