Jack's Fozen Heart

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Chapter one

It was around mid January. Jack Frosts favorite time of the year. He could cause a Blizzard and no one would think it was strange. He found him self in a small village. Their were a few kids outside building a snowman. Jack loved causing mischief. He made a snowball and threw it a little boy near by.

At first the boy was confused then a blue shimmer came over his eyes. He made a snow ball and threw it at a little girl across from him. She turned around "Hey! Watch it!" she made a snow ball and threw it in his direction she missed and hit a girl behind him. Soon their were kids from everywhere joining in. An anthem of laughing and "Watch it!" filled the air.

Got his long wooden staff and ran it over the snow. He created a row of snowballs for the children. He threw one to deciding to join in on the fun. Even though they couldn't see him it was still fun.

An hour later the fight went on, people chose teams and Jack found a near by tree to lean up against while the fight ensued. Two girls were walking by with a man that looked to be dressed in a black suit complete with a black bowtie.

 One of the girls had red hair. It was tied in a double braid and she looked to  be about six or seven. The other girl looked to be nine years old give or take a year. She was just a head taller than her sister, but she was much more poise. She had blond hair In a French braid with a black head band. She had snow white skin and blue eyes. The youngest one looked at the fun the other children were having and wanted to join in. She looked up at the man with her big green puppy dog eyes.

"Jeffery can we please join! Please!" she  batted her long black eye lashes. This made Jack laugh.

"Alright Princess, just this once." He said with a smile he looked like a kindly old man. The girls were over joyed.

"Yay! Come on Elsa!" The girls ran giggling over to the other children hand in hand. As soon as they arrived at the snow fort the other children had built they were serious.

The youngest girl looked up at her sister. "Okay you take this side ill take the other." Then she was making snowballs or trying to. She tried to make the snow into a ball shape, but snow was just falling out of her hands. Jack thought this was funny. "That's not how you do it." He said. Jack couldn't help but laugh.

Elsa had it. she had an arm full of snowballs. "WOW that's impressive." He said.

Elsa looked over at the trouble her sister was having. "Anna! Here let me help." She said. She looked around to make sure no one was watching then she ran her hand over the snow and it shimmered then there were at least thirty snowballs. Jack was shocked he couldn't believe his eyes. "What! That's impossible! They just appeared out of thin air!"

He looked at Elsa. He then realized she didn't have blond hair she had snow white hair. Just like his. Her eyes weren't just blue. They were striking ice blue like his.

"Thanks Elsa!" the little girl said then she jumped up and it was back to business. She grabbed as many snowballs as she could and fired them like a machine gun. "Take that! And that! ohhhh you can't run from me!"

Elsa giggled. Jack just stared at her. She wasn't possible. Maybe he wasn't alone. He had hoped that maybe she could hear him. He knew it was a long shot. He took a deep breath " uhh Hi." He said. He had to try. She looked in his direction.

Jack didn't know what to do. She still couldn't see him. Anna came back to reload. Elsa looked at her "Hey Anna, did you hear something." She said. "No why." Said the little girl trying to hold all the snow balls and failing, they were falling everywhere. "I thought I did." She looked back in his direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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