Prologue When We were Young

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Many moons ago


 "Sigil come on we'll miss it!" Glyph laughs as he bounds and swivels his way through the crowd of Nightwings. 

"You're going too fast!!" Sigil calls out to Glyph trying his best to catch up to his brother.

Today was the Princess's hatching day, the whole NightWing kingdom was celebrating. She was a year old spoiled brat, today she would be worse. Glyph never was too fond of her and today she wouldn't be any more like able. He and his brother had to attend to the celebration though; she was their cousin and the future queen after all.

"Hurry up!" Glyph calls to his brother, he finally gets tired of waiting for Sigil to move around them. Each time someone got in his way he would politely ask them to move. "Moons above Sigil!" Glyph groans then grabs his brother's forearm and leads him through the crowd.

Glyph and Sigil make their way to the front of the crowd where Queen Duskstar stands elegantly next to her Daughter, Princess Dawnguard. Glyph and Sigil's mother and father stand to the right of the Queen holding their heads high.

"Took you two idiots long enough!" Dawnguard snaps as they leap up on to the large stone pedestal the family stands on.

"Sorry your majesty." Sigil sighs still out of breathe and trying to catch it. "We kind of got caught up in something." That wasn't a total lie.

Before the brothers had hurried off to the celebration they had been caught by Renegade and his group of Rebels. Both brothers had to talk their way out of getting beat up so they ended up being late. Yet, the Princess wouldn't care, neither her or the Queen ever seemed to care about what happened to them. Only thing that mattered was that Glyph and Sigil were late.

"I don't care to hear it! You're here now so let's stop holding my hatching day up and get started!" She looks at Sigil and Glyph sharply as they make their way next to their parents.

Just because it's your hatching day doesn't mean you can boss us around! Glyph wants so badly to snap at her, but he knows better and keeps his mouth shut.

Glyph's black, slate scales shine in the light of the setting sun. He watches the crowd smile and laugh as they wait for the queen to announce the celebration. Even their parents seem happy, which didn't happen very often.

"Thank you so much everyone for coming!" Queen Duskstar announces her voice coming from every angle and she spreads her large black wings. "As you know my daughter, the future queen, is having her hatching day today!"

Glyph stands next to his brother trying to listen and look like royalty, but he hated the Queen's speeches. They bored him and he didn't have anything to do with them nor would he ever, so why did he have to listen. Glyph let's his imagination wander and the queen's voice fades in and out of his hearing.

Suddenly, the crowd of Nightwings beat their wings and cheers with joy. It knocks Glyph back into reality and he watches as large amounts of silver confetti fill the air like stars. Everyone cheers and music starts to play in the background.

Dawnguard smiles and leaps off the podium and into the crowd to enjoy her Hatching Day Celebration. She lands in front of Renegade and one other dragon. They bow their heads and wish her a good hatching day. She thanks them and walks off with them.

"Why did we have to be here for just that?" Glyph mumbles to Sigil who watches Renegade with weary eyes. When they pass he turns to Glyph.

"I don't know, but she wanted us here so we needed to be whether or not we liked it or not."

Sigil had always been the calmer and mellow brother, always obeying and keeping his word. He was a trust worthy dragonet and always was sure to keep his brother out of any trouble.

Glyph on the other talon didn't like being told what to do. He had a quick temper and disobeyed almost every order he was given. Yet, this demand seemed more urgent so he didn't ignore it. Glyph knew if he had disobeyed his cousin and aunts order he would be in a heap of trouble that he wouldn't want Sigil to be dragged into.

"Whatever." Glyph scoffs and leaps into the air. "Come on Sigil, might not be our party but may as well have fun."

Sigil bounds into the air after his brother and they fly into the night together.

The castle garden had been set up for today. It had all of the Princess's favorite games, music, and activities. Neither Glyph nor Sigil had ever liked anything their cousin liked so they just flew above the celebration and watched the night unfold.

They land at the corner of the garden where nothing had been set up. All that was there were the green trees, lush grass, and beautiful varieties of flowers. The stone path curved and intertwined with all the others and eventually all met up at the castle gates.

"Do you really think one day one of the moons is going to split open?" Glyph asks his brother looking up at the night sky.

The legend of the moons was well known in the kingdom. Many of their teachers told them that one day the earth would lose a moon and it would be a sign of the end. It was an old tail told by an ancient NightWing named Legacy. She had gone insane and ended up telling everyone these stories some of which were true.

"Of course not." Sigil replies looking up at the three moons. "It's possible one might one day in more than a million years, but it won't destroy the world." Sigil never was one to believe in stories.

"But wouldn't it be cool if she was right!" Glyph asks jumping up and down.

Sigil gives him a concerned look. "N-No, if she was right everyone would die! That would be awful. The world would be quiet and all of the kingdoms would turn to dirt and be in ruin. It sounds frightening to me!"

"If you assssk me, I think your brother's right. It would be pretty epic." A cold snake like voice says from their side. Glyph looks over too see Renegade, Legend, and Dawnguard.

Sigil jumps at the sight of them and backs away. Renegade gives him a sharp glare and turns to follow Sigil. He glares, snarls, and teases him making Sigil back into the corner of the garden. Glyph watches them intensely and he can feel anger build up inside himself.

"What's wrong SSSSSigil?" Renegade asks menacingly dragging out his name. Renegade's black snake like tongue slides in and out of his mouth. His large bulky body hovers over Sigil's slender one.

Glyph can see his brother has an expression that shows he is trying hard not to look scared or show any emotion. Yet, he can see his nostrils flare and he is breathing quickly.

A small pebble hits Sigil in the chest. Legend had picked up a small rock and thrown it at Sigil. She laughs as Sigil looks down to see what had just hit him.

Renegade backs away and gives a smile that sends a chill down Glyph's spine. Renegade watches Sigil carefully with his golden eyes. He carefully makes his way in front of Glyph to block anything from hitting his brother.

Legend chucks another stone at Sigil he dodges it though and it hits the ground. Legend throws another stone, one a little bigger and it hits Sigil in the shoulder. He winces as it hits and Glyph gives Legend a sharp glare.

Her blue eyes meet Glyph's and he lets out a growl. She doesn't seem concerned at all and throws a small stone at Glyph's face. She lets out a loud howl of laughter as she watches it bounce off Glyph's nose and hit Sigil.

"Stop it!" Sigil demands looking at Glyph who is rubbing his snout where the stone had hit.

This just seems to give Renegade and Legend more of a reason to do it. The next stone doesn't come from either of the two, but from Dawnguard. Sigil opens his mouth to try and protest once more, but the stone goes inside his mouth and stops him.

"RENEGADE!! DAWN!!! STOP IT!" Glyph screams as Sigil coughs chocking on the stone. Glyph pats Sigil on the back with his wing to see if that would get the stone out. Legend throws yet another rock and hits Sigil's side. "LEGEND QUIT IT!"

Sigil finally gets the stone out of his system and it falls out of his mouth and on to the ground.

"DAWN WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Glyph shouts at Dawnguard who doesn't look the slightest bit concerned on what she had or could have done. "WHAT IF HE COULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN IT OUT?"

Dawn laughs with Legend and Renegade. Glyph and Sigil had never expected Dawnguard to purposely hurt one of them; sure they knew she could be mean but never this.

Sigil gasps and heaves as a result of the stone. One talon rubs his throat as the other holds himself up.

"I don't know. Maybe we could keep trying and see what happens!" Renegade says through his laughter. He grabs a large grey rock and chucks it at Sigil's side.

Glyph looks back and sees his brother lying on the ground groaning and he can see tears run down his scales in pain. Sigil curls himself up into a ball and weeps on the cobblestone path. Small drops of blood stain the rock underneath him.

Something in Glyph snaps. The sound of Renegade's crude laughter and Sigil's cries of pain echoes in his ears. His brows furrow and his jaws tighten. He can feel and hear his heart beat faster and faster and glyph breathes as if he had just flown across the continent without stopping.

"ALL OF THE ROCKS SHOULD BE HITTING YOU!!!" Glyph roars and his eyes pin Renegade where he stands.

All of the rocks, pebbles, and stones lift up from where they rested on the ground. They rise into the air and smash into Renegade's scales. He tries to knock them away and cover his face with his wings. They hit him and don't stop no matter how loud Renegade roars.

Legend and Dawn scream as they watch Renegade get attacked and collapse to the ground in pain. Legend grabs Dawn's forearm and runs away. Renegade howls in pain as one sharp stone cuts through Renegade's wing membrane.

Glyph stares at Renegade rolling in agony on the ground. Every rock in sight has attacked him to the point where he is bleeding.

"Glyph...! Stop!" Sigil's raspy voice calls out.

"I don't know how!" Glyph says weakly watching as one larger rock slams into Renegade's jaw.

"Tell the rocks to stop...!" Sigil demands as he tried to get up.

Glyph turns back to Renegade and says; "Rocks! STOP!" They all quiver in the air for a second and fall to the floor around him.

Glyph and Sigil stare at Renegade and the stones in shock. What Glyph had just done hasn't been done for hundreds of years. Glyph was an animus, and he could have killed someone. What happens later will be something they'd have to figure out on their own.

"You are an animus?" Sigil sounds scared and it hurts Glyph to hear his brother like that.

"C-Come on weneed to tell mum and dad." Glyph says shaken with fear of his unknown andnew ability. Both Glyph and Sigil lifted themselves into the air and flew offto their home, leaving Renegade. 

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