My realm is racist.

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I'm tired of the racism in my realm. My boyfriend has the same job as me but gets paid way more since I'm an astral god. I wish I could live with my father, astral gods aren't discriminated against in his realm. But we were not built for continental life.

Anyway, I think Welch needs to control Gunhild. And also himself. He snuck a six pack of beer in in his backpack today. There's no alcohol allowed in the restaurant. He also let Gunhild climb on the Chuck stage while he was getting drunk at his table. Saveli thought it was hilarious. Security got them and they were banned, but he said he was gonna tell Dorofei about it so he may not be banned for long.

I learned a new song on my guitar and its the only one I've been playing all day. Sveta said it was getting annoying, like when Saveli learns a new note sequence. He'll repeat the same three notes over and over. He's done that for, like, half an hour before. 

This is all I felt like talking about right now. I'll try to update again tomorrow.

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