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Everywhere you go you'll see pain. Pain on people's faces, the distorted face you make when you stub your toe. That pain you feel from complete and utter heartbreak. It's all around you. I feel it too. But for me it's slightly different. The difference is, I create it for myself. I feel as though i have such a strong opinion of myself and know my flaws, that telling other people upright my flaws makes me sound, arrogant? It's hard to explain when you haven't experienced it yourself. 

I have that pain where I have a great time talking with my friends, but when the day is done, they're not there. They don't ask me to come over. They don't invite me to birthdays. And it hurts. It hurts to know i'm on my own, that no ones listening, no one cares. I'm that one person never on their phone because there's no one to text, no one to talk to. It hurts thinking no one likes you, that no one ever will, but it hurts even more telling yourself not to hurt. Telling yourself that your problems aren't big enough. That there are so many people out there who have it worse than you.

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