Chapter 1

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EDITED (if you see any mistakes please tell me)

I do not like jello. It has a weird consistency, it looks weird, and no food should move like that. I mean, what makes you think I am going to eat something that literally jiggles?

My next door neighbor, Valerie, is an 80 year old woman and for some odd reason she always brings me jello on Saturday. Every Saturday I tell her to not bring me jello next week because I do not eat it, but then next Saturday comes around and I hear her knocking on my door with a can of jello in her hand.

This had been going on for months and I honestly don't know how much longer I could take of it. There comes a point when you just can not accept jello from an old woman anymore.

I have slowly been going more and more mad, not only from this excessive jello giving every Saturday, but just from this town in general. It is so small that if you so much as killed a fly, it would spread faster than the plague and within 5 minutes the entire town would know what you did. How could anyone deal with living like that? I think I would rather actually get the plague then live here any longer.

If I had some good friends, it probably wouldn't be as bad, but so far the only friends I have made here since graduating college is a 45 year old women with 2 kids, and a cat named Gary. Though I don't think the cat likes me very much, he gives me a death glare whenever we see each other, except when I give him food.

Of course, I don't blame anyone for not wanting to be friends with me. After what had happened, I probably wouldn't want to be friends with me. Chaos seemed to follow me everywhere I go, but this placed seemed to be the worshiping ground of chaos, and I was right in the middle of it.

That is why after only living here for 7 months, I have decided to move out of my small apartment and go somewhere that I know I could call home.


I know what your thinking, why would I move to Chicago? Doesn't it have like one of the highest crime rates? Well first of all, that's mainly the south side of Chicago, the North side is actually very nice. Second of all, Chicago is where my dad was born and raised. If it wasn't for my dad, I wouldn't have fallen in love with that city and with the Chicago Cubs.

My dad had meant everything to me, especially after my mom left. I think that's why I chose Chicago to move to. Not only is it a 3 hour move away from where I currently am, but I feel like it will be a way to be closer to him and that was something I desperately needed right now.

I realized now that the old woman, her name is Valerie by the way, is still standing at my door with a can of jello.

"Valerie, I have told you multiple times that I can not accept your jello, I don't eat it." I put my hand on the door, hoping and praying that she'll leave soon.

Don't get me wrong, she's a very sweet old lady, but damn, enough with the jello.

She practically forces the can into my hand. "Oh no dear, I insist. You're gonna want something to snack on while you go on your move. Everyone loves jello."

Yea. . . everyone loves jello. . .

Oh wait . . .

I quickly roll my eyes, not wanting her to see, and take the can of jello just to shut her up.

"Well thank you Valerie, but I really must be going now. Everything is loaded up in the truck and I want to get to my new apartment before it's too dark out."

Her head kind of snaps around, looking at the walls and ceilings before looking down at the floor. I'm going to be 100% honest with you, it scared the crap out of me. It looked as if she was about to have an alien pop out of her.

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