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A/N I truly apologize for autocorrect. If you see Jim in, it is Jimin and autocorrect was being stupid so. Sorry bout that.

Tomorrow was the big day. BTS was finally having their fan meet that you and your best friend, Allison, had long awaited. You planned about 8 months ago and time seemed to move so slowly. You absolutely couldn't wait. You spent your day watching videos of BTS being silly, sexy, adorable, everything. You realized what time it was and called Allison immediately.

"Hello" you say frantically.

"OK I'm coming over now" she replies, as she already knew what you were gonna say.

You both squealed into the phone before disconnecting. You couldn't believe it. The fan meet was only 8 hours away. You were planning to leave a few hours early on your 8 hour drive. You were going to eat once you got there and then head to the fan meet early in attempts to be the first to meet them. You both got dressed in your cutest outfits then left on your rode trip. Neither of you could sleep in the car so you started blaring your music. "I NEED YOU GIRL" you both shouted at the top of your lungs. Hours pass and you realize that it was already 11 am. 1 hour to go before you could get out of the car.

Eventually you arrived. You didn't bring much. What you did bring was a camera, to take fancams with, a bag, for souvenirs, and lastly Allison, who could hardly sit in her seat properly with her excitment. You bother jumps  out of the car into the restaurant and a delicous meal. Afterwards, you booked into a hotel, where you tried to relax. You eased into the super comfortable bed.

You were running in the woods. You were so happy but so scared. What were you running from. Out of nowhere you heard random voices from all around yelling "Y/N, Y/N" suddenly your world started to shake. You didn't understand what was happening. The voices grew louder and suddenly you jolted up. Allison shook you viciously until you realized what happened. "Shit!! I slept in!!" Allison showed you the time. You immediately started balling after realizing that the meet ended in 10 minutes. You and her got in the car and drove way above the speed limit. You arrived and realized everybody was gone and staff member were cleaning up. Allison shouted "Wait!" Many staff turned around and stared at you. After what seemed like forever, one spouted "Sorry, you missed your chance." You immediatly started to cry and turned to walk out. "Hold on" said a very familiar voice. You turned around in udder shoch to see you bias staring at you and Allison. You gasped and stopped breathing. Your hearted started beating quickly. Jimin told the staff "Technically, we still have 2 minutes until the doors close" in a soft and sweet voice. He lightly smiled at you and you just stared in amazement. "God he is gorgeous," you thought to yourself. "Come here" he said quietly. "OK" Allison mumbled for you.

He led you to a room near the back of the auditorium. As he opened the door, your eyes met the other members of BTS. "We have 2 more, they couldn't get here on time" Jim in said to the other members. You gulped loudly and everyone turned to you. "Hi" you said shakily. "Hello, how are you" Namjoon said after a few seconds.

"Uh, do you think you could all sign my shirt?" You blurted

Namjoon smiled at you lightly "Sure"

You walked over to Namjoon, handed him a marker and your shirt and he signed.

"So why couldn't you guys make it on time?" Namjoon said.

Allison giggled nervously before replying with "We uh, we fell asleep."

Junngkook giggled lightly and gestured for Allison to come to him. He signed her shirt.

"What is your Name?" Namjoon said, breaking the silence.

"Me? Oh uh.... My name is... Y/N"

"And my Is Allison" She blurted from across the room.

"Thats a nice name" Jim in said while eyeing you. His eyes move up and down to get the whole view.

He signed your shirt and right afterwards, continued eyeing you.

After them all signing your shirts and making small talk, Namjoon walked to cut off Jimins view of your legs and glared at him, obviously noticing him check you out.

Allison broke the silence by saying "We are huge fans. We have been ever since your debut. Do you think we could take a picture?"

NamjooN replied soflty with "That is prohibited." Jimin shot back "I am sure we could make an acception."

You smile brightly and Jimin. He shiwed off his adorable smile as well. You couldn't help but giggle at that. Your eyes shot around the room before muttering, "Where is Yoongi?"

"He uh, he went to take a nap" Jin replied in a sweet tone. "He is over there, I can wake him up if you would like."

"Yes please" you replied.

Jin walked over and you couldn't help but notice his masculine shoulders and tall frame. How are they so perfect? He slowly woke up Yoongi. "What do you want?" Yoongi said grumpily. "We have some more fans."

Yoongi sat up quickly and his eyes darted toward you And Allison. "My dearest apologies" he said. He signed there shirts and flashed his adorable gummy smile.

Right as you were about to leave, Jimin said quickly "Thanks for coming. Because you weren't able to enjoy the experience fully, would you like backstage passes to our concert on Sunday?"

Namjoon shot him a glare before realizing how excited you had gotten. He agreed and gave you and Allison tickets.

As you walked out, you could here Namjoon whisper to Jim in "Keep your eyes off of her. She isn't looking for some pervert to come grinding up against her"

You and Allison giggled and left it at That.

Sorry for such a short chapter. They will usually be longer than this. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. If I have any spelling errors, I apologize. Please try to point them out and I will try to fix them as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!
I will try to release a new chapter everyday.

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