Chapter 1

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(I love this video it's so sad. Shoutout to P3ngu1nFaN10 for making the animation and to christine Ebersole who sang the song. I do not own the song or animation)

White diamond POV

I stood there silently in my kindergarten. Tear flowing from my eyes and staining my cheeks as muffled sobs escaped from my slightly parted lips.

"I miss her so much.." I mumble, standing there. "But she-" My hand formed a fist as it was sent into the stone wall, repeatedly as the ground shook under my attacks until the slowed. With each punch, I rested my gem on the wall, angry tears contined go fall. "Took her from me...oh pink"

I hold up my hand, staring at the dust covered flawless white skin and made a bubble, my gem glowing a light red as I do so.

It's a red bubble, gleaming brighter than any ruby and I smash it into the wall, the kindergarten lighting ablaze.

"Now all I need to do is will be better..." I mumbled, turning on my heel as I hugged my sides.

Blue diamonds pov

I sighed quietly as I laid back in my throne. I watched as blue gems walked past my palanquin, bowing as they passed and saluting at the mere sight of me.

My pearl stood in her usual pose with her hands together, held upright near her gem. Things have been getting a little bit better, I've started to get over Pink's passing but I've still been crying a lot, the sorrow has consumed my gem for too many millenia. "I'm pathetic..." Yellow has been angry at me lately for staying at pink's old station too often so I've decided to stay at homeworld a bit to try I any way to take my mind from her.

As I get lost in thought the ground starts to shake. Some gems in my Court fall over but some manage to stay on there feet. The shaking stops after a minute or so. I fix my self and my attention get pulled away when yellows pearl calls to me. "Blue diamond" she does a quick bow. "speak" I bellowed as I glared down at the gem

"My diamond and white diamond wish to speak with you in the court room." She said, not meeting my gaze.

"Very well. Return to your
duties, Pearl. Come, Pearl" I say as I get up and my pearl quickly follows behind.

I began to pace through the halls of homeworld, gems stood in place, not daring to move or to utter a single word in my presence.

I reach the door and pearl opens it for me, she runs in, bows and I walk through the door.

I pull down my hood as I walk deeper into the room, my hair blowing in the light breeze. Yellow and white diamond are standing talking to each other, looking up as they noticed my presence.

"Blue come here. We have something to discuss" White says and I nod and walk up to them. "There is the matter of the earthquake that just happened. I think you two know what that means, what it mean for homeworld, what it means for us" White says, her tone growing slow and filled with meaning.

Yellow and I nod and white nods in return. "Then that means we will have to go down to our kindergarten" White explains. "As I did when you both emerged"

We all walk down to the diamond warp pad and with a flash we are in our birth place.

I look up at the walls and see the four exit holes in the wall. My eyes look at the bottom one where pink was born, so much smaller than ours.

Suddenly the shaking begins again but this time it's much louder since we are next to the source.

Suddenly something bursts out of the wall. We are surrounded but dust and dirt but when it settled we see a gem the same size as us with a red diamond in her naval.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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