Breaking. part 2

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"Drew?" Justin asked .....

Silver felt the sudden change in Justin, his hand's hold got tighter around her hand. He seemed nervous. Not like the usual.

As silver looked back at Robin she got that strange feeling of being watched, she couldn't help but look around and then she glimpsed someone who quickly hid behind a car parking not so far.

"So?" Robin broke the silence looking at Justin, and drawing silver's attention back to them.

"We're staying until whoever comes"

"Why is that?" Robin frowned at Justin words he glanced at Silver then his eyes darted towards Justin.

Silver got that uncomfortable feeling as the atmosphere became more intense, she knew how much Robin hated being treated like a kid even though he still one but at the same time she understood the big brother's responsibility also not mentioning that Justin was much like a dad to Robin.

"Because you're meeting a stranger" Justin stated in his usual calm tone. The tone that tells you, you better shut up and end this shit now.

"Yeah but I'm not a kid!" Robin eyes were fixed on Justin's eyes staring challengingly, Robin was one of the people who wouldn't just back off, especially if Justin was the one who is demanding him.

Justin stared back and his jaw clenched, he looked to the other direction. "Robin, we're not having this conversation again, clear?" Justin sighed and waved the fight off as silver's thumb started to rub his hand to help him stay calm.

Silver shot Robin a stare of bleeding not to to push Justin's buttons now, then randomly she realized how stinky they smell. They definitely needed a shower.

"Whatever." Robin ended the conversation and looked away too, his eyes wandered around searching for anyone who is coming but was none. But then again Silver felt that someone is staring at them, she felt something is moving or some voice from not so far but she couldn't tell what it is. She just didn't feel comfortable and that was enough to make her want to leave.

Justin on the other side wanted to stay a little bit he couldn't push away the picture of that specific one which invaded his mind once Robin said the name "Drew" he knew it could be anyone with the name Drew but his heart skipped a beat and he got that feeling that it's him.

"We've been staying for quite along, and I'm really hating our smell. Can we go?"

Justin glanced at Robin but again he looked away "I want to leave, and yes you stink" Robin said then paused a few secs and he decided to continue "I meant you, Justin"

Justin cocked an eyebrow and his jawline hardened as he grit his teeth and before anyone can add anything else Silver pushed Justin to walk "oooookay we're done here"

She looked back as they walked away, she was sure as hell that someone is watching them. Could it be any of Keaton or Daniel? Could it be both?


Justin unlocked the front door and walked in, he moved to let Robin and Silver in. Justin felt strange because of the weird quietness that filled the air.


There was no reply, the three of them headed upstairs, Justin walked towards Kaitlin's door to check if his buddies were still alive or not.

"Omg!! What happened to you?!!" Silver screamed as she saw Keith and Malcolm tied next to the bed.

Malcolm rolled his eyes "great!! Just great!"

Keith inhaled air as much as he can then sighed. "Calm down. We're ok."

Justin and the rest stood in confusion not understanding what's happening.

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