Naruto the born genius- not

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Edited this, tell me if something doesn't make since. 

There were many ninja waiting in the forest inside the leaf village awaiting the so called good can not miss news of a life time from are very own number one knuckle head ninja- Naruto Uzumaki. Though he was late for his own meeting, so these 15-18 yea old ninja were to find their own way to pass the time.

Sai was drawing the posing Ino.

Shikamaru was looking at the clouds.

Choji was eating chips.

Sakura was reading a medical book.

Sasuke was wondering why he was there.

Hinata was day dreaming about Naruto.

Kiba, Kota, Akamaru, and Akasuki were playing catch, the rest of Kota's pack watching.

Shino and Shema were talking about rare insects.

Lee was training Naomi in taijutsu

Neji was whatching Hinata wondering what she sees in Naruto

Tenten was sharpening her weapons

Karui was sharpening her sword

Gaara was meditating

Kankuro was bothering Temari

Temari did hit kankuro making him find other means of entertainment and temari was going to talk to tenten and Karui

Suigetsu was bothering Karin

While Karin was ignoring him and wondering where Jugo was.

Oh sorry their seems to be some I unfamiliar faces here.

Here we have some of my own characters who will join are band of ninja they are a team from the cloud though they have transferred to the leaf now.

Kota and her pack. Kota is a girl raised by wolves. She has long brown hair tied up in a pony tail, with golden eyes and blue triangles on her face. She wears a black under shirt with a white shirt over, she has a white fur coat tied by three wolf fangs over her chest, she has pants and ninja sandles, with her head band around her right arm. she is a leader of her pack of three dogs, a midnight black dog the same size as Akamaru and two white twin wolves bigger then akamaru names seith and shite. She is positive but she is not a fan of people and prefers animals to them. She can be rash and has a short temper. (You will not believe how long it took to come up with a discription😅)

Shema surku, is a member of special bug clan, similar to shino's but the Bugs living in her are so rare that until shino meet her not even he new what they were. Her bugs can eat threw anything. Shema has long black hair, she wears a black and yellow jacket with tight sleeves but very loose at the ends. She wears black pants and her ninja headband around her waist. Shema is quiet and observed. Though she has a sense of humor and likes to laugh along with her friends.

Then Naomi Tensai is well Gai's niece. Her father is a very powerful ninja and she has learned his ninjutsu, it is a gravity ninjutsu. Though she lacks taijutsu cause her dad never found it all that important. so lee being her uncles most prized student offered to teach her. She has long black hair, purple eyes and she wears a green pants with a dark blue jacket and a blue/green shirt, with her headband around her left leg. She is a super optimistic person with lots of energy and enthusiasm. She is an over thinker and usually thinks things threw.

So those are a new characters now back to see story.

So all are ninja are waiting around for Naruto when we see him jumping threw the woods.

"About time you got here done" Sasuke says monotoned

" oh shut it teme, I have a really cool surprise" Naruto yells at Sasuke

" well what is it" Kiba yells

" look at this scroll I got from grandma Tsunada" Naruto yells

" and is that all" kiba yells

" it's a special scroll, it does something really cool" Naruto yells

" wait, isn't that the super dangerous scroll, that no one is supposed to open cause something really bad will happen" shikamaru says lazily.

" well yes but..." naruto starts

" and just how do you have it" ino says, as sai finished up his final touches on his painting.

" well I stole it but..." naruto stars...again

" Naruto we may be friends but stealing from your Hokage is not right" Gaara says monotone.


" yes dickless please tell us of how you want to kill us all"

" okay, so if we open it and and the same time someone else in different timeline opens it we can travel their, how fun is that" Naruto yells proudly.

" and just how do we get back to our timeline" temari says

" ummmm haven't thought that far ahead but we can figure that out later" Naruto says opening the scroll.

" NARUTO NO" yells all the ninja, as a flash of light consumes them.

Hello everyone, I am starting yet another story. Well this one has been in my head the second longest out of all of them, but I am now going to post it so yay!!!!!! Hope ya enjoy it😋.

See ya my gems

~Amber out

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