Ten and Rose One-Shot

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This is a one shot about Rose and the Tenth Doctor.  Rose is upset and when things take a turn for the worse the Doctor fear's this is the one thing he can't help her with.

I know that I uploaded this before, but this time it’s staying a One-Shot.


The Doctor pulls the final lever to take his faithful companion Rose Tyler to visit her family back on her home planet.  The TARDIS engines wheeze to a halt and Rose and himself walk out the doors and see the apartment building in which Rose's mum lives in.

Doctor's POV:

Earth...great more domestics!  I think to myself.

"You sure you don't want me to come up?"  I ask Rose.

"Yeah, we have been gone for a while and I don't want her to slap you again."  She laughs half heartedly.

"Well...Alright, if you need me you know where to find me."  I say, giving Rose a light hug before walking back into the TARDIS.

Some time passes and I start to worry, normally Roes would make some sort of contact, worrying I had run off on some adventure without her. I jump when I hear a phone ring.  Looking around I see Rose's phone sitting on the TARDIS' console.

"Hello?"  I answer cautiously.

"Doctor?"  Rose's mum Jackie replies.

"Yes, what's wrong?  Do you need something?"

"No, I was just calling to check up on Rose, why did you answer her phone?"

"Jackie, isn't Rose there, I'm right outside you're building, Rose asked me if we could come back for a visit."  I say, panic bleeding into my voice.

"No, she's not here."  She answers.

"Okay, I'm gonna go see if I can find her."  I hang up before Jackie has a chance to reply.

I grab my trench coat and sonic screwdriver before walking out of the TARDIS on my quest to find Rose and I see a figure on the roof of the building.  To high up to make out the features I notice she/he is standing dangerously close to the edge.  I walk slowly to the building so not to be noticed, but once I'm out of sight I fly up the steps, terrified of who the figure may be.  

I reach the top and crack the door to the roof open ever so slightly so I can see the figure without attracting attention to myself.  It's all I can do to push back the wave of panic that wells up inside me when I recognize the figure to be Rose.  I'm close enough to see the tears streaming down her face and her blond hair blown by the wind. 

I hold my breath hoping the sound of my hearts pounding isn't loud enough for her to hear.  Rose whispers something before she begins to lurch forward.

I dash out of my hiding place leaving my trench coat and run, feeling as if time is slowing down around me.  I grab her shoulders and pull her back struggling just before she jumps.

"NO!  LET GO OF ME!"  She half screams half sobs.  "Please whoever you are- L-LET GO!"

"I'm not letting go of you Roes Tyler!  Not now, Not ever!"  I say.  "If you go over, I'm coming with you!"

"D-Doctor please!  Let me go."  She sobs but is struggling less.

I turn her around and pull her into an embrace.  After a few seconds she stops struggling entirely.  I gently walk her away from the edge and sit her down.

"What's wrong?"  I ask quietly.  She doesn't answer, she just sniffles.

"Can we go back to the TARDIS?"  She finally says.

"Sure."  I reply, and we stand.

I take my hand away from her for just a moment to pick up my coat and she runs.  I dart after her, but I'm too slow I grab her shoulder as she pitches herself of the edge, dragging me in her wake.

I pull her into a quick embrace letting her think I'm saying goodbye.  At the last second I twist in the air landing on by back, using myself to break her fall.

I immediately know I'm hurt and bad, my spine broken at the least.  She gets up with minor injuries, a broken arm at the worst and starts to sob.  I look at my hand and see veins glow gold.  I know what's about to happen and so does she.  My regeneration cycle.

I let the regeneration energy take over until I'm healed but don't let it go any further, I don't want to go.  So I put the left over energy into healing Rose.  

Once it's over I stand stiffly and look at Rose who is still sobbing.

"Rose, What's wrong.?"  I ask.  "What is so bad you felt compelled to commit suicide?"

"I-I, after everything we've been through I realized you are just like my best friend Kira.  She died about a week before I met you in a hit and run car wreck."  She sobs.  "I saw it happen, she was about to turn in to the parking lot of this building.  She was coming over because it was her birthday and we were going to celebrate."

"Oh Rose, I'm so sorry."  I say.

"I never meant- never meant to put you in danger."  She cries.

"I'm okay, look at me."  I say putting my hand under her chin and tilting her head up to look me in the eyes.  "We're okay."

I keep my gaze locked with hers and touch her lips to mine.  At first she seems surprised, but it's not long before she kisses me back.  My hearts flutter, and I hope she can feel it.

We are broken apart less than ten seconds when Jackie comes running out.

"I saw on the Tely that two people jumped off the roof of this building and survived, did you see them?"  She rants.  She looks at the two of us standing next to each other for a moment longer before the pieces fit together in her brain and she pulls Rose into a hug.

"Why-"  Rose cuts her off.

"I don’t want to talk about it mum."  She says.  "It's in the past and it isn't going to happen again."

Jackie looks at Rose and then at me before she invites us in for dinner.  We accept and follow her up the steps to her apartment.

Ten and Rose One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now