1 - Returned

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??? POV:
This is my last chance. My chance to finally get my revenge on Jesse. Well, as well as her friends. But I think (and I'm amazing at thinking) that it would hurt Jesse's friends more if Jesse was hurt.

I'm certain that they adore Jesse (you are never going to hear me say 'adore' again. Damn it!). It would hurt them badly. That's what I like about this plan. It hurts people. As well as the fact that it hurts people I hate.

Hahaha, they're walking right into my trap, then I'll get my revenge! All I have to do is wait, then I will win. I will!

Jesse's POV:
I'm going for a walk. It's too intense today. Yes, we just came back from the portal network, but we were supposed to rest up, not arguing for no reason! I mean, who would argue about killing a sheep! Nobody, that's who. Sometimes, I wonder whether if their two year olds.

~~~ (this means time skip, remember that)

I have a bad feeling about going out now. I've got to go back. I know that sometimes my friends are strange, but they're my friends and I guess that I've got to forgive them some day. May
as well make that day today. I'm still annoyed at them, but I know they will
say sorry. Well, Lukas will, anyway.

You know, Lukas is amazing! He's a gentlemen, he's kind, cares about his friends, he's practically an ideal boyfriend! Though I think he likes somebody else. After all, who would like a girl like me?

Lukas POV:
Jesse hasn't gotten back yet; I'm getting worried. No one knows (other than Olivia) that I have a crush on her. If something bad happened to her, I couldn't bear it. I wouldn't be able to bear it. It'd be impossible. Absolutely impossible.

She's a smart girl. She always knows what to do in a tricky situation. In fact, she's always the one who gets us into tricky situations and gets us out of them too.

She's really pretty as well. Her raven-black hair blows in the wind, shining in the night sky. Reflected in her emerald eyes are stars, which make her already sparkling eyes sparkle even more. Her golden-yellow clip matches her hair perfectly, somehow making her look even prettier than she already is.

She's brave as well. When we were at 'The Games', she agreed to Hadrian's deal. I was upset and slightly annoyed with her for that. I didn't want her to sacrifice herself for us! I guess that just shows how brave she is, though. And she volunteered ages ago to create the Formidi Bomb and get in close proximity to the Wither Storm. Just to defeat it for the world. To make the world a happier place.

She's also extremely kind. She fell head-over-heels for Reuben. Oh, Reuben is - was - her pet pig. Sadly, he died whilst she was trying to kill the Wither Storm.

I could list things forever, but I won't. I'm too worried right now. She could be anywhere and it's turning night. I know everyone else is certain that Jesse will be fine (only Petra agrees with me), I can't shake off this feeling that one day I wills be too late. That one day I won't be able to save her.

??? POV:
The time has come. She is almost standing right where I want her. Just a few more steps. Nine more. To the left a bit, go on. Yes! Five more. I'm so close to getting my revenge! I could almost dance! Three more! So close. So very close. One more. She's there. Standing right where I wanted her to. Now, I've just got to show her exactly what she got herself into.

I laugh evily before jumping down from my hiding place, landing in front of Jesse, taking her by surprise.

Jesse POV:
I feel strange. Like something bad is going to happen. It's probably nothing. I've gotten these feelings many times after the Wither Storm was defeated. Admittedly, all those feelings were correct, but they were only acute things. Stuff like creepers, zombies, spiders, those things.

No, my feeling feels more stronger than the other ones. I continue moving forwards, albeit with a little hesitation. When I move forwards about - five steps, I think, nothing unusual happened. I guess my feeling was wrong. It's just that that's never happened before. I mean, this could be a one-off. I could just be too suspicious of everything. After all, I'm only in a jungle. What has the jungle ever done to me?


Okay, I'm certain now that this means something. It hasn't gone away. I feel like something bad is going to happen. I slowly take another step forwards. Nothing so far...

I take one more step. Nope. I don't understand, shouldn't something have happened by now? Am I being too cautious? I mean, I have been around danger a lot, but surely that would have made me certain what was danger and what wasn't.


You know, never trust that part of your mind that tells you you're doing something wrong. Unless you're doing science, or creating a potion. Then you can trust it, but not when it's dark at night and mobs are about to come out and eat you.

I take another step.

Bad idea.

A man jumps down from somewhere (perhaps a tree) and faces me. I gasp, "Hadrian!?"

And that's the end of my first chapter for MCSM! These updates may be far apart as I am trying to make these chapters about 1000 words each, give or take a few. Yeah...

- WriteCrazily

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