Day 1

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What would you do if someone came into your school and started shooting people at random? Would you fight back or run and hide?

This happened at Summer Stake Middle School. Except they weren't shooting people randomly, they only shot them if they tried to escape. The moment the school went into lock down my heart raced a mile a minute. What would they do to us? would they kill us? Kidnap us? I had all of these questions but no answers. 'This is not a drill........ I repeat this is not a drill.....' her voice on the intercom was one of the million things running through my head. And we knew as soon as we heard the first scream she was not lying.

They forced the doors open and every single class was found hiding in one of the classroom corners.

There were about twenty five huge muscular men with big guns. They split us into groups then shoved us in classrooms along with one of the guys. But none of the teachers came in the classrooms with us. And I knew why, we all did after we heard the gun shots and screams.

I didn't cry like the rest of the girls in here, I just sat in a corner with my knees pulled up to my chest while the rest of them hugged each other and sobbed. the big man noticed and pointed at me to come over. I silently obeyed. The man knelt down so he was eye level with me.

"Hi," he said, "what's your name?"

"Echo...." I said quietly.

"That's a very pretty name." he said. " Do you have any best friends that you would like to be with right now?" he asked.

"Yes," I said hesitantly, "her name is Sara....."

He walked out and quickly shut the door behind him. he said a few words to another man then walked back in. Minutes later a man walked in with Sara. Her eyes lit up when she saw me, she immediately ran over and hugged me. He looked at me and smiled.

"Alright! You guys get into a big circle!" his big voice boomed. All of us obeyed.

" We are going to play a game! You will say your name and age and what grade you are in. You will not say anything except for those things. I want it silent unless it's your turn to speak! Understood?" He asked. We all nodded.

"Alright you first!" he pointed at me. My eyes went wide and my mouth went dry.

"I'm Echo. I'm 13 and I'm in eighth grade." I said quietly. He wrote every word down I'm pretty sure he even wrote my description. My description wasn't entirely bad. I wasn't ugly or pretty I was different. I was a skinny girl with the scene hairstyle my hair was blonde and i had purple eyes. I wasn't a nerd, nor popular, I wasn't geeky, nor sporty, I was just a girl that went to school and a girl that had only one friend, Sara.

After everyone spoke and every word was written he put us into groups of two. I was of course, with Sara. He handed out sleeping bags and assigned us a spot in the room. He sat in front of the door and told us to go to sleep. He turned the lights off and everything was pitch black except for the stream of moonlight flowing into the room.

We weren't allowed to talk but nobody could sleep so we just sat there thinking the worst about what will happen and when it will happen. Soon people's eyes closed and they all drifted off to sleep including me.

In the middle of the night there was screams, gun fires, and yells. The lights were turned on and he told us to get up. We all got up except for one, Alayna. She was laying on her stomach her face in the sleeping bag. I walked over and shook her shoulder, no answer. I shook it again and told her to wake up, still no answer. So finally I tried to unzip the sleeping bag to see if she was faking.

I screamed and fell back, the sleeping bag was filled with blood that was now dripping onto the carpet. Her face that was once beautiful was now gone. Her throat was slit and her face was skinned. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't stop screaming.

Who did this? It had to be them. Were they going to do this to all of us? Or were they showing us what will happen if we rebelled?

I didn't care, in the end I will not be afraid to die. I will free us. Dead or alive it doesn't matter but either way I will not give up without a fight. I will avenge Alayna and let me tell you now it will not be pretty.

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