Intro ✅

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Some people think I'm this girl with wired arms. But do I care no because I'm better than those kids.sometimes I think that boys don't go out with me because I'm smarter then them.Even though I only have a small group of friends I believe in myself.I don't let people tell me what to do because I'm just being myself.
People think I'm just a kid,but I'm more then just a kid I'm special in my own unique way.No one can tell me other wise.Just because I got a disease called "Escobarsyndrom" which means I have bad webbing around my muscles.Its a lot more complicated than that but that's the only way I can explain it to people.
It's not easy being me when I have to have someone help me take my clothes off and on because it feel like your not able to do anything.That all I'm telling about myself. :) <3
When people talk about in their own language you have the right to get mad,but really think can they really be talking about you that's the question? You might think their talking about you,but they might be saying "Damn she/he are mad cute."
I also hate the way people say " Oh your bio sexual," and you say "Yes." Then they make fun of you when you walk by.But don't let that get to you because if I can figure out the way to ignore them you can to.

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