Close Quarters Combat (Sneak Peak)

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The sounds of bombs were going off in the distance. They seemed to becoming ever so closer. Rifle in hand I went out to see what was going on. My dogtags which had Liutenant Helix Grey enscribed on it was covered in an ashy black substance. I was on patrol that day. As soon as I walked out the door, something happened that would change my whole military career forever...........

A deafening blast came out of nowhere. A motar had struck my base as soon as i wallked out the door. I slowly came too and saw that my HQ was totally destroyed. Ambers and ash was raining down on me. I was awestruck on how badly damaged my HQ was. Before I could totally assess the damages on my body, dark figures slowly started to emerge from the smoke plume coming from the base. I noticed that it was the enemy. 

I grabbed my rifle in a haste and started to crawl into cover. I did a quick ammo check to see if I could some how shoot my way out of this situation. I quickly counted six tangos. I then began unloading shells into the bodies of my enemys.

 I thought that all that opposed me were dead, but i was gravely mistaken. I crawled out of my hiding places and saw five dead bodies. I instantly thought, where is the sixth body? As luck would have it, the other tango came nd the butt of his rifle smashed into my skull. The world around me became grey nd before i knew it, everything was black. 

This is just a sneak peak, if i get enough veiws on this i will finish the book!

-BermySwagg(Markus Leverock) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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