March 16, 2014

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I’ve written you a few letters but I haven’t taken the time to actually send them, or remember them for that matter. It all just seems so pointless now.

Do you ever hear someone say something and it feels like everything you are is shattered? Like your entire being is pointless? Every picture you drew and sentence you wrote was just another second that you could have spent being a different person and making someone happy? I felt that today. It wasn’t the first time of course. It just stung more than every other time combined. I looked around after is happened and realized that I’m nothing. Everything I’ve created and everything I’ve ever wanted to be is stupid. I’m nothing. I’m “a waste of a beautiful girl.” Just imagine hearing that from your own mother. Now imagine it being followed by “we should’ve let you sink.” We should... have let... you sink. That was when I broke down. That was when I realized that I was in the same place that I had been in when I wanted to die, and that I felt that way again. My friends were either fighting or leaving me. Those events are returning. People made fun of me or hurt me and thats all happening right now. It doesn’t feel great when people throw food at you in the cafeteria. I don’t understand whats so funny about it.

-Letter lost

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