Till We Meet Again

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  "Life's story is as quick as the wink of an eye...love's story is merely hello and goodbye...until we meet again..."

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” 

― Dr. Seuss

“So quick bright things come to confusion.” 

― William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream



I woke up with the sun's radiant light passing through my window. A new day, which means, a brand new hope. In this same room...same house... and same town where our family have been spending almost five years now.

Today, nothing new. What I see in this room are just things that haven't changed. The book shelf is still beside my bed, the painting I received from my dad on my fifteenth birthday is still hanging on the wall. Just that. As usual. Of course, except that it's the release of the latest book of my favorite author =)

When the hands of the clock showed 10:00, I grabbed my bag and rushed to the bookstore, which is, luckily, only a walking-distance from our house.

At the bookstore...

I'm about to go pay the book at the cashier when suddenly, a small envelope dropped from the part where I got the book. I was mystified when I saw the words written on the small paper: 

                                                                        'TIL WE MEET AGAIN. =)


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