Falling in love with Drew- Ally Rose Stromberg

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Ally's Pov: Fuck hell Don't you just hate it when you, fall in love with someone and it's hard to tell them that you have a crush on them.  Oh If you don't know who I'm my name is Ally Rose Stromberg and Yes I'm Keats and Wes little sister. I have liked Drew Chadwick ever since I was little but I don't know how to tell him, fuck I need my best friend's help.  So  I texted my best friend Amber on the phone, to ask her for help so much since I knew Drew was coming around fuck, I didn't know what to do because I like falling for  him way to fucking much damn.

* The Text with Amber*

Ally: Hey Amber I need you help xx- Ally 

Amber : Hey Ally What's up xx - Amber 

Ally: I Need help because Drew is coming, over and I don't know what to do since I like him help Amber Please I own you remember xx- Ally 

Amber: I know I will come over, because I know a idea that you can do Ally xx- Amber

Ally:  Cool do come over and tell me it Amber xx- Ally

Amber: I will be right over xx- Amber

Ally : Cool see you soon, Amber xx- Ally 

Amber: Yea See ya soon xx- Amber

So Amber came over to help me out, because I was fucking scared to tell Drew that I liked him fuck I was never this scared in my life before but when I started to like Drew more it got to me fuck. '' ALLY Your best friend is here, Yelled keaton.  So I went downstairs to see Ally my best friend, who was like a sister to me fuck I need her right now. '' Amber my room now, I said. '' Okay Said Amber. '' Why are you leaving Ally, asked Drew. '' I need to tell Amber something, I said. '' Ok said Drew. There was no way I was going to tell Drew, the truth just yet.  Later Amber and I went into my bedroom to talk, so badly.  '' Ally you know you could write a note to Drew right, said Amber. '' OMG I Fucking Love u Amber, I said. '' I fucking love you too sis, said Amber. '' What could I say in the note, though Amber, I asked. '' You could tell him how much, that you like him or something said Amber. '' Ok thanks for the help Amber, Love you sis I said. '' That's ok sis and I love u too Sis, said Amber. So I was writing a note to Drew Chadwick, to tell him how much that I like him fuck I didn't know how to tell him face to face, so I wrote it down on paper.  

* The Note to Drew*

Dear Drew Chadwick, 

I liked you ever since I was little, and now I think you are

really cute Drew, and I want to be your Girlfriend, but that's okay if you don't want to date me or anything yet Drew it's totally fine by me. I really like you so much though Drew. 

You are cute, and hot as fuck Drew Michael Chadwick.

So  if I ever asked you out, or if you ever asked me Of course I would say Yes too it.

XX Ally Stromberg

Later I was finished writing the note to Drew, but I Knew that I had to give it to him soon a later, but as I was about to go downstairs, to give it too him when he had to come in my bedroom fuck.

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