Can you change the way the mirror sees you,
Just to walk the other way with your head bent,
It breaks the heart of the one who loves you,
When they see why you shed your tears,
If it’s because of the way the others whisper,
If it’s because of the way you feel,
It stings when you can say you hate yourself,
Just because the mirror sees you as you.
(This is a poem about what my Boyfriend always tells me, he says mirrors reflect the wrong part of you, just the dullness on the outside. I have weight problems(Or so I say) nobody but him and family ever have told me different. When your friends are beautiful and thin and one of your friends(A guy) says you are nothing more than mildly pretty. It can break you. That happened to me last year. If you tease someone for being bigger than perfect, prepare yourself, for I WILL GET YOU!!!!!)