The only exception || Keaton Stromberg.

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I promised myself never to trust,

Never to give in,

Never to risk,

Never to smile,

Never make memories,

Never have hope

*never to love*

But how did you prove me wrong?

Trusting you with every angle of my heart.

Giving in to those heart melting charms of yours.

Risking myself to fall in love with you.

Smiling at the thought of our own little toddlers.

Frolicking at the thought of our green grass in our own back garden.

Having photos of us, kissing, laughing, smiling; making memories.

I gave hope in us, that we would be something more than lust; true love.

And to love.

Where should i start this?

I promised to never talk of love if it didn t exist.

I guess now is the right time to express my feelings.

He, is love.

I was completely alienated on Earths planet.

I told myself that it was just a word.

A word no one could describe.

But then, you had to walk into my life, proving me wrong.

Proving me that it is possible to trust.

Proving me that it was alright to give in.

Proving me that risks come with giving, and getting.

Proving me that smiles are something you wouldn t regret.

Proving me that memories will make you look back and giggle trying to relive the moment.

Proving me that having hope is something meant believing in, and what you made me believe in was love.

I was always in love with russet eyes just as mine,

But your blue eyes seems to make my heart skips a beat.

I was always into rock,

But i love to sing along to your relaxing songs.

I was never into dancing,

But i love how my eyes stalks your legs when you jerk.

I used to love men with black hair,

But your golden brown hair glistens in the summer sun.

Was it the way my hand perfectly fit into yours?

The way your peach plump lips went in perfectly sync with mine?

The way my head perfectly fit onto your built shoulders?

The way you sent chills down my back every time you breathed against my ear?

The way you would be at my doorstep, breathing heavily just to help

me in my need?

The way you understood my mood swings?

Was it the frequent ' i love you' whispers that was making me adore you that one bit more each time?

Or the way you sung songs to me to make me sleep?

The way you tuck me in at night and kissed my forehead, kissing away all my bad thoughts?

The way you flipped your hair and winked at me, causing me to fall for you even more?

I promised myself i'd never speak of love, if it does not exist.

But Keaton, you are the only exception.

The only exception || Keaton Stromberg.Where stories live. Discover now