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"So you insist on spending time with those scum, do you??" Questioned Sirius's mother, intensely.

"How many times do I have to say this? THEY. ARE. NOT. SCUM." Sirius hissed.

His mother slapped him hard.

"I do not take kindly to disrespect, boy!" His mother hissed back.

"You don't have the right to correct your mother seeing as she was never wrong, Blood traitor." His father said, threateningly.

"I will respect those who earned it, mother." Sirius told his mother while saying the word mother mockingly.

"How dare you speak to your mother that way?!" His father bellowed. "We want YOU to be a well developed and respected Black yet you INSIST on ignoring our commands??"

His father was red in the face with anger. He was never one to take kindly to disrespect. Even is they DID deserve it. He grabbed Sirius by the hair and dragged him inside Sirius's room so that Regulus, Sirius's brother, will not hear them.

"You WILL learn your lesson, boy. I mean it." His father said, harshly.

"How are you going to do that, father?" Sirius retorted, trying to sound defiant. His voice wavered a bit though, which gave away his fear.

He always feared the part where his father drags him to his room because he knew that's where the real hitting and hexing usually starts.

His father always brought him into his room so that precious Regulus will not have to witness what happens to misfits. THAT is where Sirius is quite thankful. He did not need Reg to know about this. He couldn't stand the pity that would be in everyone's eyes when someone knew about this.

Sirius has been experiencing this abuse since he was around nine because that's where he started voicing his own opinions and that's where the family knew he is going to be a misfit.

"Are you trying to taunt me, boy?" His father questioned while landing punches to his face and gut. Well, that's going to bruise...

"You are in no place to do that, son. Honestly, with that attitude of yours, one would think you are a mudblood yourself. Perhaps you were.... Influenced by that filth? Maybe.. A little adjustments would do the trick!" His father smiled menacingly.

Sirius started to get nervous as his father spoke. His father always spoke with menace but this much?


The spell hit Sirius squarely to the chest. He at that moment looked completely shocked. His father always uses the cruciatus on him when he gets tired of punches but the imperius? He rarely did. His face immediately turned dazed and at peace.

His father smiled knowing he got him totally under control.

"Sirius, by the end of this school year, you are to do the worst thing you could possibly do to your friends, all the while making it completely believable that you thought of it. Prove to those friends of yours that you truly are a Black. You are to tell no one about what I made you do."

His father smiled evilly and went to leave the room thinking of his success in disciplining his son.

Meanwhile Sirius just sat there thinking of what just happened and what might happen.

He then started to panic. There's no way out of it. He might end up betraying moony and his secret. Oh no! He can't. He mustn't. He knew though that all this thinking will amount to nothing. He's read about this spell before. His father has complete control of him. Unless...unless his willpower is stronger than his father.

That didn't help him one bit though because how the hell will he increase his willpower to overthrow his own father.

"What a brilliant Christmas gift, father" Sirius thought bitterly, then sighed. How is he going to get out of this?? He'd gladly take on whatever amount of crucios just to undo this curse. He hates the idea of having to betray his friends. Especially because he knew of a secret that can completely break one of his friends. Welp, he can't really do much about it except to try and warn them. Although, Sirius doubts greatly that it would work. With that, he went into a torturous sleep.

A/N: hey whatsup nonexistent readers at the moment! This is my first attempt of actually making a fanfiction. I mean I've always had like dozens of fanfictions going on inside my head but I never tried writing them. And let me tell you, it's not as easy as I thought. My thoughts are so jumbled that I can barely arrange them for this fic. Well, I apologize if it is rather confusing but It's going to get better. I hope. Also, I don't know how often I could update but I'll do what I can, let me tell you that. Anyway, happy reading!

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