Chapter 1

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I stand at the door, looking up at the once empty house, which is now seemingly teeming with life. In bright silver letters, the number "46" sits mid center on the door, reflecting the sun back into my glasses, causing my eyes to sting slightly. Lifting up my arm to protect my eyes, I sigh, trying to settle the nerves in my stomach, swimming around like fish. One of my many dogs, Winston, runs happily at my feet, going in circles and leaping up- I can't help but smile, some of my anxiety lifting. I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose, and knock on the door. 

All I know about my new neighbor so far is he's only just moved in, he had a lot of stuff, and he's got brown hair. And naturally,  for it's polite and also out of curiosity, I had to come and introduce myself. And, naturally, I had to bring a welcome gift- my infamous homemade apple pie. I hear someone walking in the house, but I can't tell if they heard me, so I knock again, a little louder. The door opens, creaking slightly, and I give my best smile, as probably one of the cutest faces I've ever seen emerges. His eyes seem to shimmer, his hair falling into his face slightly, landing near his hazel eyes. He smiles back, his smile similar to a smirk, showing off some of his perfect, dazzling white teeth. My heart thumps in my chest slightly, and I feel myself blush like a little girl with a crush.

"Hey" he says. His voice rolls almost, his accent strong. Danish, I think. The sound of it makes me feel almost like I'm in a dream. Standing there, I feel slightly stupid, wrapped up in my coat and scarf, while he's in a loose fitting shirt. I get a glance at his chest, and gulp. 

"Uh, h-hey, my name is Will. I live at, erm, number 36 over there." I point over my shoulder, looking back at my house, where the majority of my dogs are laying in the garden. He looks over, and laughs gently.

"The one with the dogs, I guess?" He asks, looking down at Winston. I nod, and he bends down, stroking the back of Winston's head. Normally, he'd be weary of strangers, but he seems to accept this man. 

He looks up at me, still petting Winston. "I'm Hannibal, by the way. Nice to meet you." Returning to Winston, he rubs under his chin, and Winston starts to pant happily. "And what is your name, hm?" 

"Oh, his name's Winston. I rescued him, about a week ago." I awkwardly rub the back of my head. He stands up, looking into my eyes, making me feel like melting.

"You rescue dogs? That's adorable!" These words make me blush, hard. I feel like a complete idiot. He must think so too. He's looking at me weirdly. I must seem like a freak. "So, is that for me then?" I frown, puzzled. Then I remember, the pie. 

"Oh, yeah.. sorry." I look away and sigh quietly. I'm such an idiot. Handing it over, I lean down to Winston, burying my face in his fur so Hannibal doesn't see my shame, which floods my body right now. Hannibal walks into his house, probably into his kitchen to put the pie in, and returns, smiling at the sight of me and Winston. I get up, running my hand through my hair and straightening my coat a little. 

"I guess I'll see you around then, Will?" He asks. I nod, my mouth dry, and lick my lips a little. As I turn away, Hannibal calls to me, thanking me for the pie. The sound of a click is the last thing I hear before letting out a long sigh. That went terribly. Why on earth did he have to be so.. hot? 

I was basically a blubbering teenage girl.  

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