Text of Genesis - The Tale of Mu

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THE ALMIGHTY GOD, AJAH, was all and all was Spirit. There was darkness and void, nothingness and innocence, and God was the Word. The Spirit became Word and creation began. AJAH formed the world out of void and darkness. God created light to divide the darkness, then God made water and air. Then there became land and life sprouted up on the Motherland and it was good. Plants and animals were created to inhabit and enrich the land and the land enriched the plants and animals. The Spirit moved everything that was alive and not alive. The Motherland became a place full of lush jungles and vegetation, a paradise on Earth, the entire island was a rich garden, full of life; and the vibrant colors made everything peaceable for as long as AJAH willed. Then God created two humans and because they were so important God gave them assistance. This was given by two sprites, only visible to those First Two: the male and female without navels. His name was Ti and hers was Tia. Only the First Two knew the names of the sprites.

Tia and Ti learned how to gather food and to live properly. They created language by using their mouths and throats so that they could communicate with one another. Over time they were able to differentiate between their thoughts, the words of the sprites, and their own voices. One sprite followed Ti; it examined him in every way possible. The other did the same to Tia. It was said that a male sprite followed Ti and a female sprite followed Tia. Then the day came when they had children so that they may populate the Earth. They raised them to the best of their nurturing capabilities. The sprites provided guidance along the way, and the children grew up and had children of their own, and the dawn of Lemuria arose. AJAH became the moon in the night sky to help and live with the people of the world through their dreams.

Ti and Tia’s minds expanded as they continued to learn. The sprites helped to teach them how to use their minds to create Lemurian crystals. With their combined efforts the first crystal was created. They used meditation to make the crystal grow. The crystal became their focus and they remained by its side. It is said that this original crystal can be found in the City of Mystery, where it is under constant surveillance; for its importance is beyond measure and prioritized above all else. If you continue to love and govern one another righteously the crystal will remain intact and will be sustained. This is the account of genesis that has been passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, until writing was developed, and this text stands as it is for all to read. By AJAH we live and so we praise.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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