Hidden Fears

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Korra POV
I tossed and turned trying to go to sleep when I finally did I woke up with a start breathing heavy. I hugged my knees tightly scared out of my mind. The next day I went on a mission trip with the team. Even they could tell I hadn't slept. Asami walked over to me and lifted my chin.
"Why not ride Naga? For you don't have to walk?" Asami said. I shook my head and kept walking through the deep snow. Asami looked at Mako and Bolin with a worried look they returned the same look of worry to her. We arrived at the Southern water tribe my parents greeted us at the door.
"Korra you look so tired what's wrong?" Asked my mother.
"Nothing mom I'm fine...." I said. I walked outside and sat in the snow. Asami came out and wrapped me with a blanket. I looked up at her.
"Thanks." I said. Asami sat beside me.
"What's up Korra? Did you not get sleep last night?" Asami asked.
"It's nothing Asami. I'm fine." I said.
"Korra, your not fine your exhausted I can tell and so can the boys we are worried about you." Asami said. I clench my fists.
"I said it's nothing!" I shouted. Asami sat there in shock. I walk off a bit angry at myself. Asami looks down and picks up the blanket hands it to my mom. She climbs on Naga and goes after me. I collapse in the snow too tired to move my legs anymore. I heard Asami faintly shouting my name she gasps when she finds me. She puts me on Naga and rides back to my house Mako helps her carry me inside. They lay me on a bed. I lose consciousness. It's been three days. I finally wake up to see Asami asleep at my bedside. I brush a hand through her raven hair. She opens her light green eyes and looks at me.
"Korra!" Asami cried and hugged me tightly.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You collapsed three days ago from exhaustion and you were unconscious for three days." Asami explained to me.
"I have? Woah...." I said slowly sitting up. "Where's the others?"
"Mako and Bolin went back to Republic City, your parents went to see Tenzin and his family. I stayed here with you." Asami said.
"Thanks Asami for everything I know you were the one who found me I remember hearing your voice. Then everything went black." I said. Asami handed me a cup of tea I slowly drank it. She smiled watching me.
"Why did you stay?" I asked.
Asami began to blush.
"Because I care about you Korra..." Asami said slightly looking away. I cupped her cheeks and moved her head to face me.
"Awww that's so sweet I care about you too." I said softly kissing Asami's lips. Asami's eyes widened she kisses me back.
She cuddles to me. I hold her happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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