Green Like Ivy

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"Scared, Potter?" Draco drawled, watching Harry's eyes flick around the Forbidden Forest.

"As if, Malfoy," Harry shot back. "This was a stupid dare anyway."

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "All right."
For the next few minutes, they walked in silence. Harry, who had cast the lumos spell, kept his wand out, while Draco walked with ease, absentmindedly twirling his wand in one hand as he went.

Suddenly, Draco had a wonderful idea. Sticking out his foot, he tripped Harry, watching gleefully as the great Harry Potter fell flat on his face.

"Malfoy! What the bloody--"

"Oh, Potter. Ha! This is our boy who lived. You can't even walk properly!"

"Ugh..." Harry grunted in pain, and Draco felt a wave of dread and worry wash over him. Was he badly hurt?

"You've broken my glasses, Malfoy! What was that for?!"

"Oh, nooo," Malfoy said, "I don't know the spell to fix your stupid glasses, and Granger isn't here to save your butt."

"Malfoy!" A twinge of panic began to creep into Harry's voice. "I don't know it either, and I can hardly see two meters without them."

"Ah, what a shame. Why don't you take them off? They're so broken you'd be better off without them." Far better, Draco thought. He had only seen Potter without his glasses on once, and it was only for a short amount of time.

He hid a grin as Harry stood up, removing his glasses and sticking them in the back pocket of his jeans. Potter was attractive with or without his glasses, of course, but Draco's heart skipped a beat when they were off. He could see Harry's eyes fully now, without the glare of his glasses. They were so beautiful. Green like the color of the ivy that grew on the strongest oak trees, twisting and intertwining. Like--

"Er-- Malfoy." Harry looked uncomfortable. Red was creeping up his neck. Like ivy growing. Malfoy smirked, holding his gaze even longer. His eyes traveled to Harry's lips. The bright red blush traveled to Harry's cheeks.

"Yeees, Potter?" Malfoy lowered his voice and his eyes, watching Harry's chest rise and fall as his breathing quickened.

Harry's breath caught, "Ah-- um-- n-nothing." He grew even redder. Draco smirked.

Harry cleared his throat and shook his head as if to clear his mind of the thoughts clouding it. "I mean... Don't stand so close, Malfoy. I broke my glasses; at least I shouldn't have to see your ugly face. But with you standing so close, I... can't..."

Malfoy leaned in closer. "What, Potter? You can't... resist?" He said the last word at a whisper, drawing it out and never breaking eye contact.

Harry swallowed. His heart raced even faster now. It took all of his willpower to hold Draco's intense gaze and shakily reply.

"I... can't... resist..." Harry's voice broke on the word, "th-the urge to punch your s-stupid face, is all." He tried hard to fight down the blush, but only got redder.

Malfoy's lips twisted upwards into a crooked smile. He'd won.

A/N: And the first chapter is out! What did you guys think? (It was cheesy, I know.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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