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(( Once, when I was in fourth grade, we went out for recess on a really hot day. When it was over, we had to climb up a really steep hill to get back up to the school. It didn't seem to bother anyone else, but as soon I got in line my vision started to get dark. It got better as soon as we went inside, but I was still really scared because I had no idea what was going on. When I got into the classroom, just as I was asking the teacher if I could go to the nurse, I threw up on the floor. It was really embarrassing... don't worry,  reader doesn't throw up in this like I did. I got to go home early that day, and our babysitter got me a muffin from Wawa <3 It's a strange little memory that inspired this short fic. I hope you enjoy, and stay safe in the heat, everyone! ))

Of all seasons, summer had to be your favorite by far. Although you loved winter holidays and curling up by the fire with a warm beverage, there was nothing that could match the sunshine, high spirits and sand in your toes.

Then, of course, there was the heat.

In midsummer, there were some days that the beautiful Italian sun could become blistering, to the point where the metal ring of a barrel left outside could cause a second-degree burn. The sidewalks could roast uncovered feet. You would swear the water in a bucket was starting to boil.

Caesar was a gentleman who adored the beauty of his homeland. It was something that, he thought, there was simply no way he couldn't introduce you to. So, he decided, this summer he would take you to his favorite locations across the country.

This time, you had found yourself in Matera, a stunning city in the southern part of Italy that featured ancient dwellings carved into the stone itself, historical churches and castles, and sites where some of your favorite films had been shot. The traditional atmosphere and rich culture was what made it one of Caesar's favorite spots, and after dining on some of the most delicious food you had ever tasted and watching how the city glowed in the dark of night, it quickly landed a place in your heart, too.

Thanks to some connections, he found a beautiful cottage for the two of you to stay in, out in the countryside. The drive into town wasn't far from it, and the surrounding woods made it seem like something out of a fairy tale. Of course, you couldn't have asked for a better man to spend the time there with. It was all too perfect.

There was a path that wound through the forest, giving the perfect chance to take in the scenery and breathe in the fresh air. One day, although you were too happy to realize it, the temperatures climbed far into the nineties. Despite this, you figured you could handle the intense heat. Besides, the tranquility of nature would make it worth it.

"Caesar, I'm gonna go walk the path. Wanna come with me?" you said to the blond with a smile.

He gave you a look of doubt. "It's very hot out there, amore mio. Are you sure?"

"I'll be ok." you reassured your lover, and grabbed your white lace parasol. "I'll have the shade from the trees, plus this."

Caesar smiled. "If you insist, my angel. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

With that, you gave him a kiss and stepped out the door. You could feel the heat immediately, but you chose to soak it in as a pleasant feeling. Wearing a white lace sundress that flowed in the breeze- although there was none today- you set off on your walk.

At first, the stroll was peaceful and pleasant. You ignored the heat and explored the surroundings, noticing the smallest details- a squirrel climbing up a tree, some flowers you had never seen before, the bees collecting pollen. It made you feel like a princess, and you became giddy with joy. Every now and again, you stopped and observed, taking the time to appreciate the beauty of the countryside.

Overheated (Caesar Zeppeli x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now