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Justin's pov.

I ran my fingers trough my thick hair in fustration how could i loose my glasses geez im an idiot i thought as looked under my bed ,and to my surprise their they were i quickly shoved them on my face and walked downstairs to find my mom sitting patiantly for me " it took you long enough, what were you doing justin?" I hesitaded a little but soon replied " i lost my glasses" my mom gave me a nod and started for the door i taged along closely and made my way to the car as we drove in the same direction as the day before and the day before that and so in so forth to the hell that is my highschool life where i get picked at or shoved into a locker my life us do predictable and im so fed up with it i get distracted out of my thoughts by the car slowly coming to a stop i snapped my head in my mom's direction and said my goodbyes lightly clising the door and making my way to the large front doors.

Natalie's pov.

I clutched onto the straps of my backpack as i walked out of the main office with my new schedual and locker number in hand when i heard muffeled talking hut i decided to ignore it and made my way to search for my new locker when sudently i stopped dead in my tracks at the sight i saw it was a boy a quite handsome one at that with slightly long hair thar covered his forehead and beautiful brown eyes that were covered by glasses this boy was sitting on the floor clutching his side i tilted my head to the side slightly and made my way to the boy i knelt besides him and he winced slightly then looked up at me " hey" isa id trying to break the ice..... but nada. He looked away i was all and ready to give up and walk away when i aw a big shinner on his left cheek i spoke again breaking the silence that lingered in the air " what happened " isaid gestering to his bruise he looked away bitting his lip but slowly said "n- nothing" he got up leaving leaving me alone in the empty hallway i but my lip noticing i had wasted at least ten minutes trying to talk tk a complete stranger indicating i was late . Late on my first day nice going natalie.

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