Chapter 1

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All characters belong to Sir Rob. If you haven't tried reading Sir Rob's books, you are severely missing out. His stories take you through a journey of romance, action, and a world of historical correctness ( which I as a reader truly appreciate ).
Enjoy 😊
[ This chapter isn't completely great, but the second one goes into more depth. ]

"So this," Mr. Ambrose questioned slowly. "Is the chaise you got?"

I didn't have to look up to know my beloved employer wasn't pleased. He wasn't pleased at all- as shown from the temperature dropping from normal to below freezing. Ultimately, the carriage in front of me looked too beautiful and too large to not be expensive.

An awkward pause lingered in the air until he asked,
"Did I not tell you to get an inexpensive chaise, Mr. Linton?"

I didn't answer, adding more cold to my employer's frustration. But I did not care. You didn't see carriages like that everyday, with gold and black spirals tracing the outline of a perfectly white carriage.

"Mr. Linton?"

I kept silent and straight, still gazing at the chaise in complete awe.

"You did not answer my question," he said as icicles began forming on the infernal thing in front of him.

I ignored him again, still applying all of my attention to the carriage. The absolute precision of each design on the chaise would make any fairytale damsels' dress jealous.

But I certainly was no fairytale damsel, and I refused to be chastised for an error that was not my fault!

So I glared up at him in response.
"This isn't the one I bought. Even I have enough sense to not waste money on something as extravagant as this."

"Then why," he said with elegant sarcasm and a slight tilt of the head. "Is it here?"

I froze slightly, not having a slick answer to bite back with.
"I do not know, Sir."

Familiarly cold silence drifted in between us, and I reverted my focus back to a more interesting subject. The more I stared at the chaise, the more beautiful it appeared. The white exterior seemed to sparkle more, and the swirls of black and gold became more distinct and bold.

I actually thought for a moment that it was beckoning me closer with it's beauty.

  Just as I was about to take a step forward, his hand shot out, firmly latching onto mine.

"Stay where you are," he said cooly. "There is obviously something strange about this chaise. There are no horses, nor a driver."

My ears heard- but my feet seemed to disagree to his verdict as I slipped out of his grasp and stepped inside the carriage. The interior was just as beautiful as the outside, with black velvet padding the pristinely polished wooden seats.

Almost instinctively, I sat down and found that the seats were not only
impeccably clean, but were also soft and invitingly comfy. I rested my head down gently and snuggled closer into all it's cozy glory.

  Mr. Ambrose's voice interrupted my enjoyment.
"Have you gone mad? Get out of there this instant!"

I rolled my eyes.

  "Mr. Linton," he said, his voice plunging into dangerous depths.

  With a heart wrenching sigh, I proceeded to stand and leave. But I quickly found out that I couldn't, since my bottom was planted firmly on the seat, not letting me budge an inch.
I pressed two hands under me and attempted to hoist myself up to no avail.

I couldn't be that bottom heavy, could I?

Mr. Ambrose glared at me.
"If you do not come out this instant, I will grab you by the collar and-"

  "I can't," I interrupted in a voice much too frustrated and feminine to sound like mine. "I'm stuck to this insufferable thing!"

  Mr. Ambrose frowned and stepped inside, and just as his arms wrapped around my waist to pull me up, the chaise's door slammed shut, knocking him down onto the seat. He quickly arranged himself and instead of struggling to get up, he remained quiet and calm, not betraying any hint of surprise.

Confused, I asked, "What? What are you doing?"

"Be silent! I am trying to listen for any movement."

I quickly clamped my mouth shut, trying to listen for something myself. Instead my eyes wandered to five tiny holes, each one big enough to fit a needle inside.

"What do you suppose those are Mr. Ambrose?"

I pointed to the five holes. His eyes flashed over them for a brief moment, and in seconds he had torn off his tailcoat and tied it around my face, completely covering my nose and mouth. As if that wasn't enough, he cupped his hand over my mouth, and pressed down hard.

How dare he....!

I began to squirm and wriggle under him in protest, all the while attempting to bite off his fingers in the process.

"Stop moving."
That's all it took to make me freeze completely. Which I absolutely hated.

"And whatever you do, do not remove the tailcoat," he added sharply.

My disturbingly obedient actions ended when a purple mist began to rise to the ceiling instantly making me realize why he had covered my face. After a few minutes, his tight grip on my mouth gradually began to loosen, until his hand dropped completely.

  In a panic I shot up ram-rod straight, much to my own regret. Mr. Ambrose's tailcoat slid off my nose and promptly a few seconds later, I felt myself being choked gently while collapsing into swirling darkness.

Hey Guys!! Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoyed it, and this is my first chapter for his fanfiction contest.

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