Harry Styles: New Girl

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I was usually pretty good at actually focusing on my work in class.  I was the coolest guy at Drew High School (I say that in the most humble way I can, just being honest here), I knew the ladies loved me and – to be completely honest – I loved the attention.  How could I not?  It was nice to have every girl looking me up and down as I walked down the hallway with my backpack hanging over one shoulder and my brown locks tucked into a beanie or a snapback. Janie Smith prefers the beanie.  She tells me every time she sees me in one.  Yeah, I know Lisa Brown told Emma Jones that my ass looked good in the jeans I was wearing last week.  I know Madison Davis loves the tight gray tee that I wear occasionally.  “It really shows off those muscles of yours…” Uhh... DUH.  She tells me like I don’t know.  Leslie Manning stares at my green eyes like they’re million-dollar pearls.  “I’m sorry,” she apologized once.  “They’re just amazing…” Don’t get me wrong though, I haven’t let all of the star-struck gazes and flirtatious compliments go to my head.  I don’t act like a cocky hot-shot.  I can’t stand the guys who do.  I don’t take girl’s hearts and dangle them before me – well, not on purpose anyway.  I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever cheat on my girlfriend of three years, Nicole.  She was quite the opposite though…

Nicole had cheated on me with almost every guy on the football team.  She and I were more like brother and sister at this point in the relationship, constantly at each other’s throats and arguing about the most ridiculous things.  We constantly threatened to break up with each other, but it never actually happened.  Why not?  Well, we were the “Ultimate Couple” for Drew High School.  For some reason, my fellow students continuously voted the two of us things like Homecoming King and Queen or “Cutest Couple” or “Most Likely to Get Married”… the list goes on and on.  It was like they lived in a state of delusion or something.  Either that or it was a joke they were playing on the two of us.  The two of us almost felt pressured to stay together (not that I usually give into peer pressure) but we also had a lot of the same friends and all this other stuff... it would just be totally awkward if we broke up at this point.  Nicole and I, as seniors, had two months left at Drew High and then we were off to different universities across the country from each other, so I was determined to ride out the last two months with as little fighting and drama as possible.  I was sure this was possible until Beth showed up.

Her father was a preacher, so she constantly moved around.  It must have sucked to move two months before graduation.  Moving in general had to have sucked.  I had only ever moved once with my mother when we came to America from the UK, but I was too young to remember any of that. 

Beth was in nearly every single one of my classes.  It seemed like in each of the classes she sat right beside a window.  The sun shown through the glass and made her tan skin glow like she was some heavenly entity.  Her sandy blonde hair was long and usually draped over her shoulder down her back.  I wanted to reach out and run my fingers through it.  The thing that made me stare the most was her eyes; I had never been so attracted to brown eyes in my life.  They had flecks of orange and red in them, making them look like they were on fire - especially when the sun shined into them.

She made me nervous.  She was always smiling – nothing fake, either.  It was a constant warm and sincere smile, almost like she was just enjoying being alive.  She never had a problem with anyone.  She had no set group of friends, not that I could tell at least.  People around her just seemed to feed off of her energy and be more positive, more alive, even on the rainiest of days. 

After a month of her being there, I still hadn’t talked to her.  What the hell is wrong with you, Styles? I constantly beat myself up.  She looked like one of the easiest people that I could possibly talk to… Maybe it was the way she looked at me like she looked at everyone else… I was nothing special to her.  Or the way she actually looked into my eyes… she wasn’t afraid of me.  Maybe it was the way she hadn’t approached me or asked for my number or asked if I wanted to hang out or even asked if she could borrow my pencil… Shit, that was the most common question I was asked.  Girls asked me for a pencil and then never give it back but keep me chasing after them for weeks… that’s why I bought a pack of 100 pencils from the dollar store and pass them out now instead.  “Are you gonna need this back?” the girls ask.  No.  No I will not.

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