It is Improper to be Proper ( Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)

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You stared longingly at the food in front of you. How dare these powdered nose, spoon fed gossipers do this to you. A low growl resounded throughout your mid region with a demanding tone of more tea and cakes. With your hand finding it's way to your stomach, you attempted to loosen the corset that squeezed your mid section too tight for your convenience.

"Oh Anna!~ Have you seen Earl Phantomhive's butler? That butler is so dashing I must say."

"Why yes Lydia! I saw him at a previous ball, and oh my, his personality and looks are just so overbearing to one's need of touch! So I begged him to dance with me!"

A few more giggles ran among the cream puff ladies as they sipped at their teas with proper 'pinkies up'. Another growl ran through your system as you began to loosen up your corset while retaining a fixed stare at the food in front of you.

"My, my Anna! I never knew you can be such a tigress!"

"I do believe it is good for me to find a little excitement in this life of mine."

It's off. FINALLY. You lost all control and swooped up the corners of the lace covered table, shifting the delicacies know as pastries into the center. Making a sack out of the table cloth, you smiled mischievously while you grabbed the tea kettle from the waiter. The two young noble women and the waiter gawked as you proceeded to kick off your heels and sashay out of the garden.

"Did she just-"

"And she calls herself a lady!" Scoffed Lydia as she stared at your retreating figure. "How vulgar! The only reason I invited her was because my daddy insisted it would be good for his alliances!"

"She's such a pig! This is the reason she can't even marry into a good wealthy family like ourselves." Anna seethed flipping her head into an up turned way.

"Funny how you were just practically begging for attention from that butler at the ball Anna dear. If anything, I would say you're the swine sweety, and that corset ain't hiding the fats.~" you retorted sickeningly sweet. You have had it with these garden tea parties and gossip and the constant restraint you had to place on your cavernous stomach. How can a woman live like this! Heck, you were thirteen years old, but hearing these other girls your age talking about boys and such practically stabbed you in the sternum every time you accompanied these garden parties. They were a bunch of hormone crazed snobberies that only ever ate a tea spoon of cake when they talked, poor children, their parents must starve them too much. Note the sarcasm.

You proceeded to go out the gates only to pause and place your bag of goodies to the side. The damn wires were digging into your sides again. You proceeded to remove the numerous layers of pink lace and satin on top of the wire umbrella frame until you finally achieved the removal of the wire frame. Comfort clung to every fiber in your being as you swiped the bag of goodies and tea kettle from the dirt road and continued on your merry way. You never were one to care for the way you looked but rather the comfort. How annoying it was to wear all that heated layers so deep in the summer, like seriously? What if you were being chased then suddenly fainted from a heat stroke or something...

As you contemplated such logic prohibited for womenn of your time, many stares found their way to your bloomers and undergarments. Some wolf whistled, some gawked, others attempted to cover up your inappropriate wear, only to have you dodge the incoming coats and skirts.

"Dear lord! Her legs are exposed!"

Do you have a leg fettish or something?

"Oh my! Is she really dressed in her undergarments for the public eye?! Her family would be ashamed!"

No I'm wearing an effin cream puff abomination, and psshaw, I don't care about family status you little cream puff prick, not like you should even go shoving your nose there.

"Ello sweety! How's about a drink with this ol' stag? Waddaya say?"

Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. There's a worm in his gums. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.

You proceeded to leisurely walk to your designated tree spot and fell down into the soft grass under the huge tree. Many of the diverse cakes were pulled out as you switched from shoveling them into your mouth to chugging from the spout of the tea kettle. Burps emitted from your lips in an amusing way, from high pitched baby burps to low, long, and deep male ones. Just as you were about to shove the last two pieces of cakes down your throat, two young children paused and stared at the delicious treats in your hands.

An older brother and younger sister you observed. Their clothes weren't much with the hole infested jackets, soot stained shirts and pants, and the missing shoe on the younger of the two. You stared back at the young children then back at the food and drinks at your mercy. You decided you ate enough, no need to be a gluttonous brute in front of people who actually need food. You waved them over with a smile, your (h/l) (h/c) blowing softly in the wind and framing your frosting stained face.

The young children conversed with each other for a sec before proceeding over to where you sat, sitting down at the other side of the table cloth you pillaged.

"Here you go kiddos. Eat them as you like and wash it down with some tea so you don't choke okay? You can keep the table cloth, it should go for a good price on the market along with the plates and kettle." You smiled at them lovingly as if they were your own siblings, "I have to go home now. Stay safe okay?"

The kids were scarfing the food down as if they've never tasted anything heavenly as before. They paused at your input and looked up at you.

"Thank you so much Madame. Is it possible to know your name? My sister and I will be in your debt forever. Thank you so much." Said the older boy face slightly heated as he tried to avert his eyes from your attire.

"No need for being in debt in such, I don't believe in that. Owing usually ends out bad in the long run you know?" You grabbed both of their hands and frowned at how rough they were. Funny, poverty working for the nobility. It should have been the other way around. "My name is (y/n) (l/n). If you need help again, just find me in the house down this road okay? If the guards give you any trouble, use this as proof."

You handed the elder brother a small pendant around your neck with the symbol of a clock on it. Ticking sounded between the three of you as the handles of the clock inside the pendant moved with life.

"Madame (l/n), thank you, thank you, thank you so m-much. I-I-" the young boy sobbed as he squeezed the pendant. "My name is Jake Madame (l/n) and this is my sister Joanna."

You nodded towards the young girl and stood up patting their heads. "I'll see you guys around. Anytime, anywhere kiddos... Well maybe if I was a wizard or something... Heh heh." You waved an adieu to the young pair and walked down the dirt road, your feet digging into the dirt and enjoying the earthy feel. Sighing with satisfaction you looked up at the sky and pondered the scale of the poverty and nobility. All too soon, you arrived at your mansion and presented yourself with a mocking curtesy to the guards as they let you through the gates.

Suddenly, just as you passed the gate, you felt a smack against your neck, and your whole vision went black.

Dun dun dun! I swear that there will be some Ciel exposure okay? I super super uberly promise, next chapter, maybe? Maybe even some Alois? No? Okay... (/-0-)/

It is Improper to be Proper ( Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now