Chapter 1

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Stiles POV

I'm running through the woods. The trees passing by me looking like nothing but smudges of dark green and brown paint. I've never ran so hard in my life. The sun has disappeared leaving the moon, full and glowing in the sky. I can hear the grunting from behind me but I know not to look back, if I do he will catch me. I should of listen to Scott, but that doesn't matter now. I will die and Scott will never get to hear me tell him the truth. The hunter chases after me aiming a crossbow and failing to hit me with flying arrows.

The trees start to become closer and closer around me taking more skill to dodge them. I slide and catch myself on a tree root sending me flying. After hitting the ground, hard, I scramble to my feet ignoring the pain shooting up my leg and run in the direction of the natural preserve entrance. I can see my jeep and the chain, the no entry sign slowly swinging in the breeze. The crunching of boots behind me gets louder.

I jump over the barrier landing on my leg which leaves a loud cracking noise ringing in my ear. I scream out in pain and turn myself around in time to see the hunter step over the chain. He kneels next to me, I can feel his breath as he growls, "I guess you should've stayed in tonight, the moon's' full. You never know who is waiting the dark."

I keep my breathing under control, I can't show him fear. "Well you see it's such a lovely night for a jog. Who could resist?" I breathlessly explain. The pain in my leg is almost unbearable at this point with my adrenaline quickly waring off.

The man shrugs and places his boot onto my now broken leg stepping down lightly but that's all it takes for me to start screaming in pain again. "Now listen Stiles, that's what they call you right? I don't want to kill you, well not yet at least. Just tell me where Scott McCall is and I won't kill you, today." I would roll my eyes if they weren't watering so bad from the pain. He presses harder and I can hear and feel the crunching of my bone grinding against other pieces.

Scott POV:

"Dammit Stiles where the hell are you?" I whisper to myself. I can still smell his scent lingering in the woods but there is something wrong, there is another scent I can't recognize and the preservation reeks of fear. It's already 1am. I look down at my phone again and re-read the messages

Stiles: Hey Scott I need to tell you something that you should know... Will you meet me at the preserve in ten minutes?

Scott: I don't think you should be out tonight there, It's a full moon and Argent said that the hunter is still looking for us. I don't want you getting hurt. Can you just come here or I can come to your house? (Read at 12:32am)

Stiles: Believe me this is very important. I can't come over. I need to tell you when it's just us. No one else can know...

Scott: You are scaring me Stiles, just tell me what's going on. (Read at 12:36 am)

Stiles: Ten minutes.

Scott: I am here, where are you?

Scott: Dude I'm here.

Scott: Stiles???

I can hear my heart beating out of my chest. Where is Stiles? Why would he ask me out here and not show up? I start to follow his sent through the woods, it's getting stronger. I can't help but to run and get this sickening feeling. I'm pretty sure I just heard bone snapping. I stop in my tracks and listen, someone is screaming, It's Stiles.

Stiles pov:

I can't stop screaming. My hands scrape against the rocks as I try to shove myself away from the man. Tears roll down my face. This makes him laugh, "This can all end, just tell me. Where. Is. Scott." A loud roar calls out as I look over to my jeep. Scott is crouching. Against the moon I can only see him as a shadow with red glowing eyes. He stands and steps off my jeep' roof and lands on his feet never breaking eye contact with the hunter. He growls in a low voice, "I heard you were looking for me."

Third pov:

Scott leaps onto the hunter while Stiles crawls toward his jeep. Once he is out of Scott's way he calls the police department. Scott throws a few punches until the hunter picks up the crossbow he dropped and shoots Scott through the stomach.The hunter kicks Stiles in head leaving him unconscious and upon hearing sirens runs into the woods. Scott tries and fails to pull the arrow from it's place.

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