Chapter 1

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Chapter One


First day of school, first day of torture. I don't want to go, what if I can't control my powers? What will happen then? Just then, Anna burst into my room.

"First day of school! Yay!!! Come on Elsa! Let's go get ready!" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of bed. She pointed to my closet and ran out.

Well, I guess I'm out of bed... I pick out a short, white, jean skirt with frill underneath that went down to my knees, a cute pearl button top, and I french-braided my hair to the side. Then I slipped on some high boots and walked to eat breakfast downstairs.

"Wow, you look great Elsa!" Anna stuffed chocolate pancakes in her mouth. She is so weird...

"Thanks, you too!" I cheerfully sat down and cut my pancakes into small squares. I eat them slowly, then brush my teeth. I grab my backpack an Anna and I run out the door to the bus.

"We're going to miss it! Hurry up!" Anna yelled, she was faster than me. The bus pulled up and we hopped on, crashing into the first seat.

We rode to school, Anna endlessly talking about school. Be quiet already! We reached the school and I walked off. When I entered the halls, everyone was staring at me. Boys were almost drooling and girls were waving and smiling at me. Strange...

I looked back behind me, not looking where I was going and I bumped into a boy. We dropped our books and helped each other pick them up. I look up at him. He had pure white hair, glistening deep blue eyes, and very pale skin. Wow....

"Hey, are you new here? I'm Jack Frost." He reached out his hand and I shook it lightly. A warm feeling spread up my arm.

"Um...hi. I'm Elsa." I grinned like a fool. He laughed and looked at my schedule.

Nice to meet you Elsa, we have all the same classes!" He smiled and I laughed. My first friend. Jack Frost.

Later, after my first class, a girl with long blonde hair ran up to me. "Hi! I'm Rapunzel! Nice to meet you!" I laughed.

"Hi, I'm Elsa. I am new." I smiled and she practically squealed.

"Oo! A new person! Oh, some advice, avoid Jack Frost." I had a confused look. Why?

"What did he do bad?" She sighed and put her hand on my shoulder.

"He is a player, he plays basketball, ad he's a real jerk." I am so confused! He seemed nice to me...

"He was nice to me..." She looked sad and shook her head.

"At first he's nice, then he's mean and cold." I am shocked. My first friend, is a jerk! Great...

"Oh, I feel so stupid, now!" She comforted me. Then, she pulled me into a hug.

"Your not! Also, what sport are you doing? You look like you would like ice-skating!" I smile. I love to skate!

"I love to skate! It's my life." She laughed and pulled me to the ice-rink. Wow... it is huge!

"Tryouts are in a few minutes. Stay here and wait." I nod and she bounces off. She might like Anna...

Maybe I'll practice... I pull on some skates and hopped onto the ice. I spun around, twirled, and did lots of tricks. I heard someone come in and sit. I stopped after a while and heard clapping.

"Elsa, you are in!" The coach said. I'm in?! I'm in! I smiled and I saw Jack off to the side, staring at me. Some boys punched his arm and he scowled.

A few classes passed and it was lunch. I'm so hungry... I grab a teal tray and stan in line. I grab an apple, some salad, and a glass of water. I walk to an empty table.

"Hey, why were you avoiding me?" A male voice asked. I turned around and saw Jack. Oh no...

He sat down next to me, I scooted farther away. He looked at me. "So, I saw you skating today. Your really good." He smiled, I smiled back. I was really nervous. Why am I so nervous?

"Thanks. I-I have to go." I grab my tray and try to walk away. Something grabs my wrist.

It was Jack. He let go and grinned sheepishly. " What? What's so important?" I snap at him.

"Nothing. I-I" He waved and looked embarrassed.

Wow. Did that really make him nervous? I thought he was a player... I see Rapunzel and sit with her. She was with a red-haired girl and a weak boy with brown hair.

"Hi! Guys, this is Elsa! Merida and Hiccup, meet Elsa! Elsa, meet Merida and Hiccup!" I waved and they smiled back.

"Was Jack bothering you? It seemed like it." Hiccup asked me. I shrugged. I don't know. I didn't mind too much...

"Well, it wasn't so bad. He seems nice." Rapunzel gave me a look, and I sighed.

"He's bad, stay away from him." I nod and she smiles. We eat our lunches. This is so good....


Why did I grab her wrist?! What is wrong with me?! Do I like her? Maybe....I don't know! It's tearing me apart! I really like her.... she's so pretty!

No, I can't like her! I'm a player, everyone knows. She would never go out with me. I felt something smack my face, seriously?! "What was that for?!" I scowled at my team.

"You were staring off into space for like 15 minutes." I turned a little red. Rats.

"Is there a girl? Is it the new girl?" They teased me and made kissing faces. My spoon starts to freeze. Not again, why can't I control it?!

"Stop, I don't like her. Or anyone." I scowled and they stopped. We ate our lunches. They were all messing around. I sighed. Maybe, I do like Elsa.

❄Jack and Elsa met!!!! They will have problems, but this is Jelsa.....❄

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