Pros and cons

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Alex's pov

I couldn't believe Maggie she can be so dramatic sometimes. We have been getting in some pointless fights lately. I was getting coffee the other day and I got her order wrong and she went off. Let's just say by the end of that there was Coffee EVERYWHERE. But how could I stay mad she's the love of my life. But SHE stayed mad and has been for weeks. It's killing me so I decided I'm gonna confront her.

"Maggie" I asked as I slipped in bed next to the beautiful brunette "what's wrong ?" I ask tentatively "it's just you don't even know my coffee order we don't know anything about each other maybe we're just not meant to be together" she responds I just stare I jump when I here a knock at the door. I get up to and answer it.

When I answer it I'm greeted by zach aka live wire (yes live wire is a guy ,good ,and gay) aka everyone's favorite gay. "Is there a reason your here " I say still shook from what had happened previously "well aren't you a ball of sunshine, Kara over heard you were having some relationship problems and she called the one person in the world that could"he said matter of factly. "Fine come in" I say knowing he won't leave."really your here" I here Maggie address Zach "look I'm here to guide you through a technique that my mom and dad used when they had problems... all you have to do is make a list." He says. "A list"?Alex asked curiously amused. "Yes of pros and cons... of why you should be together" he responded with if she was reading correctly sadness anyway she brushed it off "that's not a bad idea" I hear Maggie say.I look over in shock "you seriously aren't considering this right?" I ask hurt that she would think this is the best option. She then turns to me and says "look we've been having some problems lately why shouldn't we just take his advice". I look at her but stayed quiet because I couldn't argue any more with her especially not know when our relationship is teetering. We both look up when zach says "good I brought some materials." He then pulls out a huge black sharpie and 5 or so poster boards. Curious I ask "why so much paper." "It can be strenuous." He replies

(8 hours later)

A long time later we laid out all the pros and cons of our relationship filling ALL of the poster boards. But in the end there were more pros than cons. I look at Maggie "I love you." She looks at me and says "I love you too and I'm so sorry for the way I treated you Danvers"I reply "it's alright sawyer" I take Maggie into my arms as we kiss passionately.

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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